The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Red Friday

March 6th, 2009 . by Cary

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Soooo – how’s this whole “Hope” and “Change” thing working out for ya? So far, the only thing that has changed is who is writing in the most earmarks, and the only hope I can see is for either a huge secessionist movement or outright revolution. (another view at BZ‘s place)

In the mean time, I have a loving wife, a sweet daughter, wonderful friends (both in person and on the ‘net) and the Love and Grace of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Life is grand.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


March 5th, 2009 . by Cary

I just tried to use the “Quickpost” from my WordPress dashboard – it kinda messed up the top of the template.

Here’s the link I was trying to quickly post:

Have fun with it!


February 19th, 2009 . by Cary

I am conservative.

I know that this comes as a surprise to most of you, and I apologize for the shock to your system.

One of the hallmarks of conservatism is a resistance to change. Not a hate of change, but a resistance – in other words, there should be a really good reason for changing something, other than “I don’t think we need to do it that way anymore.”

Saying that he wanted a more “relaxed” atmosphere – since running the country is a laid back, way-cool thing to do anyway – Mr. Obama has decreed that ties and jackets are no longer required in the highest office. I may have mentioned not liking to wear ties, but I sure wouldn’t treat the Oval Office as a conference room – it should be all business, all the time. There is no other way to treat the station. At the same time, asking the country to cut back and make sacrifices while cranking the office thermostat up is kinda hypocritical, isn’t it? Sure, with the temp above 80 then wearing a jacket and tie is a bit uncomfortable, but if you were to display a bit of common sense and put the thermostat where wearing a jacket an tie would be smart – say, between 68 and 72 degrees – then you’ve kept your image clean and your hypocrisy to a minimum. Both traits, by the way, that the American Public seem to enjoy. At least, when they aren’t swooning about speech patterns.

As you may be aware, the President paid a visit to the Valley of the Sun, arriving Tuesday afternoon after signing a $787 billion “stimulus” package in Denver. His arrival, like the arrivals of other dignitaries, tied up traffic at Sky Harbor and on the already-congested freeways here in the Phoenix area. No change there – no problem.

The President decided that the traditional venue of the Arizona Biltmore was not “edgy” enough – or perhaps, since it’s not in need of foreclosure relief, not “newsy” enough – and stayed instead at the InterContinental Montelucia Resort and Spa in Paradise Valley. The Montelucia started bankruptcy protection foreclosure proceedings earlier this month. The Biltmore, having been around for more than eighty years, is a bastion of conservatism – in other words, they make a profit by knowing their limits and working within them, while still providing excellent service and accommodations. OK, the Presidential suite at the Biltmore is less than 2800 square feet, and has more than two bedrooms, and doesn’t have a private pool, and I’m pretty sure the bathtub is just a bathtub and not “a seashell on the bottom of the ocean” but it is not being leveraged in a foreclosure proceeding, either. Every sitting President has stayed at the Biltmore since it opened, and has a portrait hanging in the hall. We’ll see if Mr. Obama follows suit, or wants to avoid anything connected with McCain. Or, perhaps he will continue to lead by example and spend $3,000 – $4,000 per night instead of merely $1,600 for the Biltmore.

The President was scheduled to speak at Dobson High School in Mesa on Wednesday, campaigning to drum up support for his boondoogle porkulus “stimulus” bill. (side note – stimulus – from the Greek, stim, or large pole, and ulus, roughly translated as “where the sun don’t shine”). Naturally, Dobson High is expected to receive lots of “stimulus” money. Good thing, too – they’re going to need to pay for the new sod somehow.

And this is where the flow of this post comes to a screeching halt.

New SOD? To “spruce up” the campus of a desert city high school?

Oh, what a good idea. This will accomplish so much – let’s see, it will prop up the illusion that landscaping here in a DESERT is the same as anywhere with natural rainfall that exceeds the number of sunny days. It will allow the President to think that Dobson looks real purty all the time. It will make conservatives wonder how the hell they can afford new sod when there are programs within the school that are being cut due to budget restrictions. It will provide some much-needed labor for the current crop of illegals working within the school system as janitors. Oh, you didn’t know? Yeah – Mesa’s mayor, Scott Smith, and Mesa’s Police Chief George Gascon are big pro-illegal movers and shakers. Mr. Smith wants Mesa to be known as a “sanctuary city” – that is, if you are afraid that you will be busted for being illegal in another Valley city, go to Mesa, where the Police have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy with regards to your ability to legally work in this country.

My question is, where will the sod go after Obama wings out of here? Or, will they try to keep it watered, only to watch it wither and die when they have to further cut their landscape budget? Did I mention we live in a DESERT?

Mr. Obama could have “stimulused” us much better from his office in DC, where he wouldn’t be forced to look upon the hoi-poloi whilst engaging in serious grown-up politics.

No, I didn’t vote for him. BUt, since he is now my country’s leader, he sure better respond to those he is leading. Unless, of course, he only wants to serve one term, like Carter – come to think of it, that may be the best way to curb him.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Notes From The Cab

January 26th, 2009 . by Cary

I had an unusual fare Saturday evening. (not that there are “usual” fares when you drive a cab, but…) I picked up this lady who had called for a cab rather than drive home from a bar in Peoria. She is a bit older than I am, and she had very securely tied one on. She was unusual in a couple of aspects.

First – she declared that she called a cab only because she didn’t want to drive all the way home. Not that she would ever face a DUI ticket – she claimed to have diplomatic immunity (New Zealand citizen). I kept my mouth shut.

Second – she started rambling about really enjoying her evening out, since it was more a trip down memory lane than anything else. Seems she and her recently exed husband used to hang at the bar where she was pickled picked up. Everyone kept asking her where “the big guy” was, and she says she patiently explained the most intimate details of the divorce to one and all, including the fact that her big brute of a VietNam Veteran Marine husband of hers just couldn’t seem to handle his physical failings – the strokes just really “creeped [her] out.” I kept my mouth shut.

Third – she then tangented off to the new administration. (My thoughts on this subject are posted in the comment section of Texas Fred’s post, “MY Free Speech Regarding Barack Hussein Obama“) Her main point was that she could not understand how in the world the Americans could just stand by and let this happen to their country. I posited that we didn’t let it happen, so much as we had it rammed down our throats by the Defeatist, Elitist Media (h/t: BZ). She insisted that we “let it happen” so I went back to keeping my mouth shut.

Fourth – and this is the kicker – she waxed poetic about her adopted country (here in the US of A) and how she longed for the old days when she was in high school and college, and “they” would all gather together and demonstrate against the administration, that nasty war they had saddled us with, and generally Made Things Happen.

I could no longer keep my mouth shut.

We were near her address, so I opened up a bit. I told her in no uncertain terms that her attitude about the citizens of this country was misplaced – the anger should be towards her post-hippie, leftist leaning groupies from her college years, since they are the ones shouting longest and loudest about how The Messiah, TEH ONE, this Halfrican Wunderkind is going to Save This Country from itself.

I lit into her about her attitude about her husband – how as a Marine, he was used to being the one who took care of others, and abandoning him just because he was having trouble adjusting to being the one who was being taken care OF was extremely selfish of HER.

I then told her in no uncertain terms that BRAGGING about demonstrating against VietNam and helping the enemy by being the catalyst to subverting the drive of this country was just out and out STUPID, and I bet out loud that she also thought the War on Terror was a waste of time, too – when she started getting upset that I had attacked this un-named bastion of her belief, I had had enough. I told her that it was HER attitude that was leading this country down the well-paved path to Hell, not the conservatives who were trying to keep this country’s head above water. She got kind of pissy after that – after all, I had just killed her buzz – and she paid her fare and stomped into her townhouse.

For some reason, I didn’t get a tip from her.

However, I was led to consider some of what she had said. Yes, we do have a socialist politician in the White House now – but we will get through this. One thing she kept on about was how the Americans she ran into were all “oh, this will pass” and didn’t appear to be too worried about our future. My reply to that was “Do not mistake my calm demeanor for not caring, anymore than you would mistake a duck on the river as not being very active.” In her drunken state, she missed the analogy. But know this – even though we appear to be calm in person, blogs such as most of the ones you will find in my sidebar are an indication (to me, anyway) that this country’s patriots are far from complacent about the direction this country is headed.

I must say that once her townhouse sells (good luck with that, in this market) and her current position is completed, that this country will perhaps be better off without her attitude – which I cannot peg as anti-American so much as pro-defeatist-American.

On a side note – I’ll try to get more cab stories up. Remind me to tell you about the two guys I picked up in The District who got to walk home after all…

I’ll chat with you more later.


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round Up

November 20th, 2008 . by Cary

Two things: I have a dentist appointment this morning, so the round up will be interrupted, and second, how do you like my signature on the end? Cool, huh? The scanner portion of the all-in-one we bought to replace the two printers and fax and flatbed scanner is working really well!

CPT Rob Yllescas
Good news – the good Captain has made it through another surgery, and is slowly improving overall. Proof of the positive power of prayer!

Project Valor IT
This project to get hands-free and other technology into the hands of our wounded warriors is going on until Thanksgiving. Read all about it at cookiecrumbexpress, and BlackFive

Adopt-A-Military Family for Thanksgiving
Cyber Pastor has the low-down on “Adopt A Military Family for Thanksgiving” – the goal is to support 100 families, let’s help him find more!

Victory In Iraq Day – November 22
Gateway Pundit has a good mix of topics – from a cardinal warning about Obama to the White House press secretary rubbing the MSM’s nose in the Victory In Iraq.

The Independent Republic of Texas
Think I’m kiddin’? Check out Old Soldier, he’ll set you straight…

Home Again
Ol’ Broad and the Mr. have quit ramblin’ for now. Check out their trip to the Holy Land.

Unmitigated Humor
GuyK has a few funnies up, as he shivers through some “GloBULL Warming” – in Florida, of all places! Not humorous, but funny just the same, is Bloviating Zeppelin’s piece on the spending habits of a certain soon-to-be first lady. Did you miss Hug Your Toilet Day?

Hibernation Zone
Richard is getting ready for a long winter on the lake. RattlerGator may be parking his blog for a while – maybe. Unalaska Steve is winding down for the winter, also.

Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object
Rob over at American and Proud posits on the Big Three. Texas Fred shares a guns-n-vodka story. Jenn shares the story of Al-Quiada’s #2 and his insults to the president-elect. The BIG THREE are going to have to learn a basic lesson of running a business if they don’t get their bailout – story on Political Pistachio. What heppens when you take on Russia? Looks like the muslims are about to find out – check out the story on Amboy Times. Roland’s Blog has a gorgeous picture posted. Pirates should be eliminated, according to The Bull, but as long as we sail there will be pirates. I agree with the Bull. Greybeard has a video up on the lazy man’s way to wash a Blackhawk. American Apologist has the address for Christmas Cards to Any Recovering Soldier – make sure you send one out! Samantha West has a note about sending out packages and cards – get over there and get updated.

You Want Scary?
Pop on over to Dumb Looks Still Free for a good (and scary) piece on America and her direction. mdconservative® has a video Letter To The President Elect.

Wednesday Hero!
Mail Call! Supporting the Troops

General News
Ozark Guru and his gang have rounded up today’s headlines for you.

Special Hug to Loon


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


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