The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Thursday Round Up

February 5th, 2009 . by Cary

Yes, it’s the return of the (sortof) weekly round up. Let’s take a look at what’s going on around my daily reads:

Steve over at A Sense of Place shares his tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city living, this time in the form of cavorting sea lions.

Akinoluna talks about hair regulations in the USMC, and a particualr hairstyle that apparently has crossed a boundary.

Brother Johnny Helms finishes up his series on “No Foreclosures for the Child of God” on Amazed In His Presence.

Mathematical Gymnastics from Nancy Pelosi, courtesy of Amboy Times, Political Pistachio and Texas Fred.

Mr. Bush (no, the one in California) has a few choice words for the first lovefest press conference of the Obama administration on American and Proud.

The question of his citizenship rears it’s head again, this time involving former VP Cheney, the entire House and Senate collectively, and Pelosi individually. Read all about it on An Obama Nation.

Go to An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings for your daily dose of common sense and news.

Notes on Michael Steele on ARRA News Service – while you are there, drop the Ozark Guru a note and make sure he hasn’t gotten too much sun with all the Global Warming in his neck of the woods…

Check out the huge grey squirrel on At The Water.

You want an unadulterated take on the headlines? Check out Basti Says for the latest and greatest. Mostly, pointing out that the Emperor Has No Clothes is keeping Basti busy these days.

Blackfive. ‘Nuff said.

BZ weighs in with a terrific article on Bloviating Zeppelin. Go, join the discussion, and marvel at the idiocy spouted by a former world leader.

Andy Heatwole has a beautiful shot of Pennybacker Bridge posted over at Blue Hour Photo.

Photo caption contest over on Bottom Line Up Front.

GuyK is freezing his extremities down in Sunny Florida, courtesy of Algores Global Warming. Check out his thoughts on the weather on Charming Just Charming.

Go anser the poll question on Conservative Intelligence Report.

cookiecrumbexpress has a couple of good ones up today – Obama’s road to being hated by the left, and a new line of automobiles that helps TEH ONE accomplish a couple of goals…

A note from Dean and an open letter to the President can be found on Do The Right Thing.

A Jacksonian give a Cliff’s Note version of the Laws of Nations on Dumb Looks Still Free. Worth the read – and, if you are interested, he even gives links to other, longer commentary on the subject.

Find out why this bear market is leading to a bull’s worth of scammers on Fraud, Phishing, and Financial Misdeeds.

Hope, Change, and no Utah Oil Leases! Oh, he didn’t say that? Actions speak louder than words. Posted on Gateway Pundit.

Gawfer has a Thought for the Week.

The Gunny went Geocaching while the cherry blossoms were blooming. I am so jealous.

Jenn is on a roll.

Taking full advantage of Obama’s promise not to weaponize space, Islam has. Details on Maggie’s Notebook.

Gunny Nick Popaditch, the cigar-smokin’, tank commandin’, fine example of “Semper Fi” is this week’s Wednesday Hero, found on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops and Old Soldier.

Mary’s World has reviews for this week’s literary picks.

Learn what the DEM, MSM, and former President Carter don’t want you to know – seven basic facts about hamas, courtesy of Monkey in the Middle.

Get a chuckle from The Loon.

Are you a numbers person? Sheck out the video on Our Sovereign Joy. That should make you think for a while.

Personal Economic Stimulus – are you being fair to your neighbors? Find out what Greybeard has done to stimulate his local economy on Pitchpull.

Superbowl review on RattlorGator Blog.

In answer to a question not spoken – yes, tough ladies cry too.

A Blur Spot has a nice quote from Mr. Nugent on Some Things Just Need To Be Said.

12,682 and counting.

A Thought of the day courtesy of Andrew Tallman.

Who in their right mind conducts themselves dishonorably while holding a replica of the honorable Bat’leth? Find out on the BLOG.

Ron is back on The Old Right Daily.

Taco Bell has a good post on Posers over on The Sandgram.

JFK stuff on Third Wave Dave.

TJ has a nice review of TEH ONE’s second week of reign power being in office on TJ’s Anti-Contrarian Blog.

Last, but not least, Rasmussen released a survey that pretty much says what those with any power of observation already know. Check the results at Yid With Lid.

Thanks for bearing with me. I know, it’s a lot – but if you have suggestions for which ones to cut out (and help for my withdrawals) I am more than willing to listen.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round Up

November 20th, 2008 . by Cary

Two things: I have a dentist appointment this morning, so the round up will be interrupted, and second, how do you like my signature on the end? Cool, huh? The scanner portion of the all-in-one we bought to replace the two printers and fax and flatbed scanner is working really well!

CPT Rob Yllescas
Good news – the good Captain has made it through another surgery, and is slowly improving overall. Proof of the positive power of prayer!

Project Valor IT
This project to get hands-free and other technology into the hands of our wounded warriors is going on until Thanksgiving. Read all about it at cookiecrumbexpress, and BlackFive

Adopt-A-Military Family for Thanksgiving
Cyber Pastor has the low-down on “Adopt A Military Family for Thanksgiving” – the goal is to support 100 families, let’s help him find more!

Victory In Iraq Day – November 22
Gateway Pundit has a good mix of topics – from a cardinal warning about Obama to the White House press secretary rubbing the MSM’s nose in the Victory In Iraq.

The Independent Republic of Texas
Think I’m kiddin’? Check out Old Soldier, he’ll set you straight…

Home Again
Ol’ Broad and the Mr. have quit ramblin’ for now. Check out their trip to the Holy Land.

Unmitigated Humor
GuyK has a few funnies up, as he shivers through some “GloBULL Warming” – in Florida, of all places! Not humorous, but funny just the same, is Bloviating Zeppelin’s piece on the spending habits of a certain soon-to-be first lady. Did you miss Hug Your Toilet Day?

Hibernation Zone
Richard is getting ready for a long winter on the lake. RattlerGator may be parking his blog for a while – maybe. Unalaska Steve is winding down for the winter, also.

Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object
Rob over at American and Proud posits on the Big Three. Texas Fred shares a guns-n-vodka story. Jenn shares the story of Al-Quiada’s #2 and his insults to the president-elect. The BIG THREE are going to have to learn a basic lesson of running a business if they don’t get their bailout – story on Political Pistachio. What heppens when you take on Russia? Looks like the muslims are about to find out – check out the story on Amboy Times. Roland’s Blog has a gorgeous picture posted. Pirates should be eliminated, according to The Bull, but as long as we sail there will be pirates. I agree with the Bull. Greybeard has a video up on the lazy man’s way to wash a Blackhawk. American Apologist has the address for Christmas Cards to Any Recovering Soldier – make sure you send one out! Samantha West has a note about sending out packages and cards – get over there and get updated.

You Want Scary?
Pop on over to Dumb Looks Still Free for a good (and scary) piece on America and her direction. mdconservative® has a video Letter To The President Elect.

Wednesday Hero!
Mail Call! Supporting the Troops

General News
Ozark Guru and his gang have rounded up today’s headlines for you.

Special Hug to Loon


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


Post-Election Round Up

November 6th, 2008 . by Cary

Oddly enough, the sun came up again today, disproving several doom-sayers with their predictions of the election outcome.

In case you were wondering, here were my predictions (better late than never, eh?):

1.    The Bible will still have all the answers.
2.    Prayer will still work.
3.    The Holy Spirit will still move.
4.    God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5.    There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6.    There will still be singing of praise to God.
7.    God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8.    There will still be room at the Cross.
9.    Jesus will still love you.
10.   Jesus will still save the lost.

So, I think I’m in pretty good shape, overall. Let’s get to the Round Up, shall we?

Special Mention:
Stop over at CPT Rob Yllescas and catch up on his condition. CPT Yllescas is the victim of an IED in Afghanistan and is currently stateside receiving the best care possible. Leave a note of encouragement for his wife, Dena.

Post Election Thoughts:
…from Gawfer, cookiecrumbexpress, Cyber Pastor, Johnny T. Helms, Amazed In His Presence, RattlerGator Blog, American and Proud, The Roland Blog, The Bull Speaks, Jenn’s Jungle, Bloviating Zeppelin, Political Pistachio, LimaLimaMikeFoxtrot, Pitchpull, The American Apologist, Autorotate’s Flying Circus, Dumb Looks Still Free, Amboy Times, Samantha West, The Loon, Some Things Just Need To Be Said, Third Wave Dave, Eject! Eject! Eject!, This Is Stoke Newington, EvolutionRight, Akinoluna, Fire of Liberty, prying1, An Obama Nation, The “Religion of Peace”, Bottom Line Up Front, ARRA News Service

Thinking Ahead of the Box:

Michael Crichton:
the BLOG misses him already.

Burning Memories:
Blackfive and RG Roland show how to make a special moment stand out.

This Just In! Bias in the Media!
…and Sarah Palin wants to help remove it (reported on Gateway Pundit).

Find the Wednesday Hero at:
Old Soldier, Mail Call! Supporting the Troops

Travels and Travails
Ol’ Broad and Mr. O’l Broad made it there – finally!

Mixed Sports:
Target shooting and NASCAR on Texas Fred’s

Relax, Take a Break:
At The Water, A Sense Of Place, Lubbock Marine Parents

Moving On
Goodbye, House (tissue warning)

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


Thursday Round Up

October 30th, 2008 . by Cary

This week, I’m going to see if I can group like subjects together. Since I haven’t surfed before I started writing these, there’s no telling where this will lead… and no, Blogrolling still isn’t working right.

Just Vote!
ablur has a hard question for you.

Don’t Vote For Obama:
American Apologist has a top-ten list.
Improvement vs. Change on Gawfer.
Cube has a new Flag for the Obama campaign on the BLOG.
The LA Times brags it has a video, then won’t share it? Join Cyber Pastor as he asks them to open their vault.
Photographic proof that a certain camp was hoping wouldn’t be found on Gateway Pundit.
Under the sub-category of “How To Lessen the Impact” comes this sage advice to business owners from Ol’ Broad.
Best reason ever, on Amazed In His Presence.
Be afraid – be very afraid! Sure wish ALL the candidates had the money for the media coverage that Obama is getting. Besides this piece on American and Proud, if you have Dish Network check out channel 73 (for the last month)!
Jenn joins the call for the tape to be released.
Wealth Redistribution explained … on Bloviating Zeppelin.
Political Pistachio explains why Obama’s plan of wealth redistribution won’t work.
The Tanker of Love has a video up from the guy that a lot of conservatives think should have kept running.
Under the sub-category of “Nothing New Under The Sun” comes this video courtesy of Pitchpull.
Amboy Times adds to the arsenal of “Nobama ’08!”
Showing that the MSM is, indeed, “in the tank” for Obama is this lovely piece from Third Wave Dave.
His pictures are worth more than a thousand words. mdconservative® – from the Conservative Intelligence Report.
The ARRA News Service reports the arrest of some get-out-the-vote fraudsters.

Bush Derangement Syndrome (or, Hate Kills):
cookiecrumbexpress has news about a HuffPo “reporter” and what constant hate-mongering can do to a person.

Military Precision:
Blackfive has a gorgeous sunrise picture filled with … aw, why spoil the surprise?
Chief Roland always has great pics of the military, and he’s not even biased towards any one branch.
This Marine epitomizes the “tough get going” part of the saying. Thanks to Samantha for sharing.
I can always count on the Loon for some Positive News.
Kathi has the Wednesday Hero up – well worth the time to stop and read!

No, We Didn’t Make This Up:
Small Chest ban on Vietnamese roads? Check it out on Old Soldier.
New Guidelines for an Old Problem on Texas Fred’s.
Autorotate’s Flying Circus shares some of Mutha’s – uhm, Murtha’s latest.

It Couldn’t Happen To A Nicer Guy (no, not another Obama category):
Seems Charming, Just Charming‘s GuyK was awarded a Superior Scribbler and has passed it all on to his links.

Doesn’t Fit Anywhere Else:
Richard has some good closeups of the loons on his lake, and then apologizes for the pictures being fuzzy. I must be losing focus, because they didn’t look fuzzy to me…
Unalaska Steve has his pumpkin carved.
Mary gives us the low-down on Scott Higginbotham, an author worth finding on the shelves…
Andrew Tallman has a Thought Of The Day about just where exactly to place your trust during this election cycle.
Have you been missing you fix of Dumb Looks? There’s a reason for it…
Amboy Times remembers 70 years ago today…
Good Ol’ Bill pimps for his Afterburner series. I cannot stress how worth your time this series is.
Mmmmm … tortillas!

Stopped Cold:
RattlerGator mourns the loss of Dean “Chowdah” Barnett.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


Thursday Round Up

October 16th, 2008 . by Cary

Sorry for the late start – MEG had a doctor’s appointment.

Let’s get right to it, shall we? And, since seems to be having trouble (again!) I’m really glad I have my sidebar list – although it doesn’t tell me who’s got new entries, so we’ll just go right on through it! In all fairness, if the blog entry is more than three days old, I won’t mention it…

First stop is A Sense of Place. Always nice to see Steve’s pictures – whether from the back of a bike or out the front of his house. I am still jealous of his view.

A couple of good articles to read prior to the casting of your ballot on Amazed In His Presence.

Amboy Times has a nice piece (part of a blogburst) regarding the Obamanation’s so-called “economic” plan.

Go on over to American And Proud and ask Bush where he stands on the issue of Murtha. I dare you. I double dare you.

Ol’ Broad has a nice collection of Obama pictures for your edification…

Richard has a word about the current Wall Street feelings, and just to ease your fears, a few pictures of early-feeding ducks on his lake, over on At The Water.

Blackfive is – well, Blackfive. Go. Now.

Bloviating Zeppelin has a nice little article (it ties in with Texas Fred’s. below…) about protection and safety.

You can find a review of last night’s debate on Bottom Line Up Front.

GuyK has a word of sit and wisdom over at Charming, Just Charming.

mdconservative has a nice looking piece of legal paper that should be resolved before the election is allowed to continue…

cookiecrumbexpress has a reminder for those who would push “tommy” to the back under the Obamanation.

More required reading about the Obamanation can be found on Do The Right Thing.

Still think that all the hulabaloo about ACORN and voter fraud is overblown, and not to be worried about? Then you haven’t been over to Dumb Looks Still Free with his expansion on the theme…

Gateway Pundit is chuckling a bit about the Dems’ view of a flyer calling for foreign policy accountability.

Gawfe has a nice, concise, two-point recap of the debate on his site at Gawfer.

Now, I’m not nearly finished here, but life keeps getting in the way of my commentary. I will be back later with the rest of my round-up.

2241 hours: that’s quite an interruption. It is also, apparently, enough time for blogrolling to come up for a bit.

Check out both sides of the story (Moose Mints, anyone?) at the BLOG.

What could the FBI want with Mahoney? Gateway Pundit knows…

Old Soldier shows his admiration for Sarah Palin with news of a siting at Wal-Mart.

RattlerGator has a new favorite country song.

The Chief has a nice photo on The Roland Blog.

Best wishes to Nancy Reagan from The Bull.

Another one bites the dust – Texas Fred fills us in on another loser in the Castle Doctrine war.

Jenn has a little bit on the fake “kill him” remark reported by the Scranton Times and not yet retracted by anyone who has credited the Times with the first report…like ABC… or Olbermann…

Political Pistachio wants to know why Obama will give an employer a $3000 tax credit for hiring a new employee…

Another quick review by Mary, this one from the wife of Lakewood’s Joel Osteen.

Andrew Tallman has a “happy” thought!

Quick hita all around from LimaLimaMikeFoxtrot. (Good to see you active again, Mac and wife!)

The audio clip on Pitchpull should be enough to make you go out and shake your head in sadness at all the Democrats out there who don’t pay attention to what is being said…

The American Apologist (welcome to the round-up!) is admittedly behind the curve, but would like to know why the Obamanation doesn’t just pony up the documents. Personally, I think it’s because the ink ain’t dry yet…

Oliver Stone has not learned Rule Number One yet – do not piss off the Redhead.

ablur wants to know if the Omabanation is eligible, too.

Help Kathi spread the word about writing to our soldiers. Details are on her site (new location!), Mail Call!.

I’m going to finish off this round up with the positive news from my favorite Canadian – The Loon shares news from Iraq.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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