The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Media Version of New Math

February 24th, 2009 . by Cary

The major news outlets are wondering why they are losing readers, listeners, viewers, and so on:

When 111 Democrats voted to go to war in Iraq, the media called it “George W. Bush’s War.” When three Republicans (in name only) voted for the spectacular spending of our great-grandchildren’s money pork- and earmark-laden stimulus bill, it is being hailed as a “bipartisan effort.”


Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Rainy Tuesday

February 17th, 2009 . by Cary

Confession time.

As a young, immortal, and indestructible Marine, I did not take the best possible care of this container known as my body. Heck, I truly did not expect to live this long. I was on a self-destructive bent that I could not see, and in my myopic view of my lifespan, feeling the effects of my actions some twenty plus years later was not in the game plan.

California had some Global Warming yesterday – enough to shut down I-5 north of LA, which doesn’t happen too often – and the storm front, much diminished, is moving into my AO today. Actually, it started moving in last night, around 2300 hours, and that’s where my confession comes into play.

Yes, I know, medically speaking, no one can “predict” “rain” or “weather” through “feelings” in their “joints” and “bones”. The problem with the study is that the ones conducting the study are young and not feeling the effect of their actions. Yet.

About 2300 last night, I could not get comfortable. I knew that a weather change was coming because I woke up and could not get back asleep. I tossed and turned and tossed again, looking for the position that would allow my neck to relax and my back to not creak and my legs to not cramp and my arms to not numb. Could not find that position for all the tossing and turning in the world.

Add a sinus infection on top of that, and you can well imagine how chipper I feel today.

Yesterday I felt pretty good – to the point that I rearranged the “office” to the specifications of TMBWitW, taking into consideration the possibility of finally, actually, beginning to start the planning of the planning phase of my model railroad. I have several elements to be worked into the final plan, among which are a curved trestle and a three stall roundhouse/seven slot turntable section salvaged from previous layouts. The room that is now the office-slash-storage area was originally planned for the railroad, but life, five cats, and a new daughter have a habit of changing your plans for you. (by the way, one of the cats is down by one life after knocking a brass locomotive to the floor. the train room will be way off limits for the cats…) The final plan will not take up the entire room, as once envisioned, but will be a yard and spur, with lots of operation possibilities.

Well, that’s about all I can handle right now. The arthritis that I am not getting and the dyslexia that likes to rear it’s ugly head are combining forces to make typing darn near impractical right now. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Notes From the Cab

February 3rd, 2009 . by Cary

I mentioned I would tell ya’ll about a couple of guys I picked up who ended up walking home anyway…

It was a Friday evening, and I got a dispatch to pick up at a certain bar in a certain part of town that is frequented by … uhm, well, they were gays. Two guys got in the cab, and gave directions. I had a jacket on over my “Lightning Sharp” polo, since it was kinda chilly (mid-forties) and I liked to drive with the window open. They asked me to close the window, which I did, and they continued with their directions.

The last line of the directions was “You’ll be turning right on [suchandsuch] Street. If you see anybody with blue on, don’t hit them. But if they have red, you can go ahead and run them over.”

I looked at them in the mirror, and asked why it was OK to run over people wearing red.

“Oh, you know – those war-mongers who wear red on Fridays and get all uppity about (airquotes) ‘their troops’.”

They obviously didn’t see the red part of my shirt at the open part of my jacket. The brakes worked very well, and we were over to the curb in a heartbeat.

“Get out.”

They were confused. “Why? What happened?”

I got out, went around to the curbside door, and opened it. “Get out.” The look on their faces was pretty classic when they realized that not only was my shirt red but actually embroidered with “Wear Red on Fridays” on the left side.

“Ohmigawd I didn’t realize you were one of them!”

“That’s right, I’m one of THEM who served this country, and proudly support those who currently serve this country, and allow a$$hole$ like you to enjoy your gay lifestyle and be liberal, troop-hating, anti-American faggots without fear of being run in by some islamofacist religious nutcase of a leader. Now, get out of my cab before I drag you out.”

It was all knees and elbows as they both tried to get out at the same time. Once they were standing on the sidewalk (still about five miles from their destination) they said “How are we going to get home?” in that whiny, flaming way some homosexuals have. I told them walking usually worked quite well, and since it was kind of chilly they might also sober up a bit before they get there. “Well, we’ll just call another cab.” “Go ahead” I said, “and I’ll let dispatch know that you guys are possible robbers looking to strong-arm a driver. That’ll guarantee that no one will pick you up. Start walking.”

“Gawd, why are you such a hater?”

The duplicity and hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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