The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Hard Decision

August 24th, 2008 . by Cary

TMBWitW and I had to make a very hard decision this last week. Actually, it wasn’t a hard decision, so much as it was hard to make the decision. The decision was made when we decided to keep Logan as our youngest dog, that when the time came we would not be selfish by wanting to keep him around. It was hard to admit to ourselves and each other that the time had come.

For those who have been following the story of Logan: he is in pain most of the time now, and nothing can be done. In order to provide him with the best quality of life, and not prolong any kind of suffering, we will be sending him Home this Saturday morning (unless he gets much worse sooner). You can bet your bottom dollar we are going to be spoiling him as much as we can this week.

If I don’t publish a lot this week, please understand.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Red Friday

August 22nd, 2008 . by Cary

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A little later than normal, but that’s the way Friday goes sometimes.

Good show this morning, on The O Word – go listen to the archive (forgive the voice, it’s still recovering) and rate the show! Subjects touched on were the Olympic Medal Count, Telegraphing Your Punches, Typo Vigilantes, Building 7 (WTC), Cindy’s House, and a word about a possible Tiebreaker at the Elections.

Big thanks to prying1 (his book listings can be found here), mdconservative, Mrs. CP(AnnieB) and of course my favorite squid Gawfer for joining me in the chat room.

prying1 has a scanned copy of a poetry booklet from the “Lost Battalion” circa WW1 and has a post up about it on his regular blog, Digging a Little Deeper. He has also made it available to any who are interested to download it, and you would be free to print it out if you so desire.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Where You Been?

August 21st, 2008 . by Cary


Friday, after the show, was spent cleaning the house (with TMBWitW, who took the day off) so when the dogsitter came on Saturday she wouldn’t notice that we have five dogs who shed constantly.

We needed the dogsitter because TMBWitW’s aunt was in Kingman visiting the cousins. We left here at about 0600 to get to Kingman in time for breakfast with our very good friend, her fiancé, and her daughters at the Cracker Barrel. I had the slightest hint of a sinus headache. One of the cousin’s son had spent Friday sick, but that was not revealed to anyone until after we had left, at around 2000.


I woke up Sunday morning with no voice, swollen glands, and post-nasal drip. TMBWitW had a sinus thing going on. MEG sounded like a harbor seal and was running a slight temp. They stayed home while I went to church, although I did not sing and spent most of the service trying not to cough. Should’ve taken a laxative.

Monday – no conscious thoughts from any of us. TMBWitW managed to get hold of her doctor. They called in a prescription for her. With the help of Thera-Flu and Tylenol Cold, I managed to get my symptoms under control. MEG got an appointment for Tuesday morning.

Tuesday – TMBWitW went to work, and got sent home. She worked from home for a while, then went back to bed. MEG’s appointment revealed an ear infection. They called in a prescription. I boosted Tylenol’s stock some more.

Wednesday – TMBWitW works from home on Wednesdays anyway, so no biggie. Although, she didn’t get going until 0800 instead of her normal 0600. Not that I noticed – I slept until 0930. So did MEG.

Today – I spent most of last night keeping TMBWitW awake with my constant coughing and hacking. When she got up to go to work, she told me to call the doctor and get something, or she would muffle me herself. Medicine sure does make her cranky.

I sure hope I have a voice in time for the show tomorrow morning. BlogTalkRadio, The O Word, 0700 Mountain Standard Time (that’s 1000 on the east coast, 0700 on the west coast).

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Red Friday

August 15th, 2008 . by Cary

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It’s not too late! Run over here to listen to the archive of today’s show. You also have the opportunity to rate the show, and leave a comment.

What did I talk about? I’m glad you asked: Olympics Medal Count – “winner” of the 26th annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest – did you know they keep score during the womens beach volleyball? – the age of the Chinese Gymnasts – McCain and Obama to participate in a two-hour forum at Saddleback Church Saturday evening – and Wild Phil tells a joke!

A big thank you to those who listened in live: Prying1, Wild Phil, Gawfer, and for the last few minutes, the Ron and Tom show joined the chat room.

Next week – same time, same place!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Round Up Time

August 14th, 2008 . by Cary

Apparently, my site was unavailable yesterday for some time. Since it was a Wednesday, and TMBWitW was working from home, I had no idea. A big THANK YOU to Texas Fred for leaving me a message about the fine service you can expect from StartLogic. Robert, I’m almost there.

Let’s take a quick tour, shall we?

Political Pistachio starts us off with a few questions about the reliability of one Barry Soetoro. Never heard of him? That’s the way Obama wants it to stay, apparently…

Richard has a bunch of juveniles hanging around his place on the lake.

Evolution Right is having a series of bad times – go on over and help him see through to the clear blue. (note – pessimists, don’t follow the link. we’re trying to cheer him up…)

A quick word about promoting eternal damnation over on Amazed In His Presence.

Blackfive has the latest on Georgia (the nation) and embedded reporters comparing notes on then and now.

Bloviating Zeppelin has a matter of grave importance to consider. (WARNING: graphic image, not for the weak of stomach)

GuyK has an idea on how to get the liberals and the conservatives moving in the same direction…

Words of encouragement over on Carried By Christ.

Third Wave Dave uses a clip of Baxter Black (check out YouTube if you haven’t heard of him) to point out just how lucky we are.

I just popped in on my friend Texas Fred and it doesn’t look good. He’s fed up. Anyone between Fred and the nearest crook-in-suit should probably duck. Just sayin’…

Good Thought of the Day over on Andrew Tallman’s page.

Seems Obama is not the only one who’s word is being questioned – see cube’s entry on the BLOG about China and some age issues…

Jenn has good news for the left.

American and Proud has confirmation of Jenn’s report.

Samantha is busy this week, but she managed to get a word in edgewise about Murtha and post-firefight recall. Good read. Be sure to follow her links, too.

Alaska Steve has a picture of something that was picked up on the side of the road. Hint: I wish I had that.

Gawfer has a video of some precision moves.

Talking about “stressful schedules” over on Akinoluna.

RattlerGator (a new member of my blogroll, in case I didn’t mention it earlier) has a very good piece up regarding the Georgia/Russia war.

This one is a double-link. The Bull is having problems with segregation in his child’s middle school. Old Soldier has blogged about it. Check out the original article, and give Bull your support.

Kathi is talking about a burn clinic run by volunteers in Iraq.

Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds has the results from a fraud survey – hang on to your wallets before reading this one!

The Loon has a piece up on what Virginia’s Governor, Tim Kaine (D-which stands for dumb) has claimed – that the Obamanation brokered the cease-fire between Russia and Georgia. Really? A junior senator from Illinois managed to broker peace between countries without going there, in the middle of his campaign for president? He is truly remarkable – if for nothing else, then the lengths his supporters will go to make him appear larger than life.

cookiecrumbexpress has a great quote from Reagan posted.

A word from Regular Ron regarding the vestiges of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine.”

Just John is pondering his course of action regarding a couple of guys he oversees who are acting like they just joined the outfit, instead of supposedly being in the leadership of said outfit…

Mary gives us a well-written review of My Heart Remembers.

Amboy Times has more information on the Georgia/Russia war.

On Our Sovereign Joy, Scott shares the news that he may be moving to a new congregation. Best of everything, Scott!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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