The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A Letter to my Daughter

January 24th, 2006 . by Cary

*Note: I call her my daughter, she calls me Dad, I raised her for twelve years, but bottom line is that biologically she is not mine. Only in the heart, where the connection is tighter than blood.

Dear C:

I can’t begin to express how proud I am of you, and how happy I am that you have found M. He is a good, Christian man, with a sense of his Godly purpose, and just by looking at the two of you anyone can tell how much love is already there.

TMBWitW tells me that you had told her at Christmas that you wanted me to walk you down the aisle. I am honored. I am blessed to have a daughter such as you.

This started out as a note to you, before TMBWitW told me your decision, to tell you that your wedding day is YOUR day – not for anyone else, not for making others feel good, but to make a memory that you and M will share forever and ever. In that vein, I would have supported whatever decision you had made. Not because I am selfless, but because my love for you outweighs my selfishness and I want you to have the best day possible. That includes being happy with whoever walks you down the aisle.

I may not have been a perfect dad, since I was learning as I went, but I think you and your sister both turned out all right. Just remember that no matter what happens in your life, He already knew about it, and wants you to learn from it, to grow, and to move forward with the lessons. Never go back, never hold a regret, always live to the future.

May God bless your every day, may He shower blessings on your marriage, may He be always in the center of your life.

I love you.

Cary the Dad

Driving Me Crazy – VI

January 23rd, 2006 . by Cary

I have been told that the explanation for many of the moves pulled off by other drivers on the road can be attributed to their retardation. They aren’t stupid, their brains just don’t work like most people’s.

Like the guy at the traffic light the other morning. I was waiting for the northbound traffic to clear, so I could make my left hand turn onto Indian School Road from 67th Ave., and the guy was (I thought) waiting for southbound to clear so he could turn onto west bound Indian School. Well, as it turned out, he was just lost. Silly me, seeing this guy sitting in the left turn lane with his left turn signal on, I assumed that he would be turning left. As soon as the northbound traffic cleared, I started my turn – and slammed on the brakes, because doofus cancelled his turn signal and gunned it northbound. Oddly enough, he looked at me like I was in the wrong place.

This guy’s cousin, or brother perhaps, rides a bicycle in the industrial area that I drive through to get to work. How do I know? The street that I use, Clarendon, runs east/west and has no stop signs until 35th Ave. Doofus’ cousin, Dorkus, came south in the predawn darkness on another morning from a cross street that DOES have stop signs and I barely caught sight of him – again, I slammed my brakes, because I really don’t want to hassle with the paperwork – and he wobbles by while acting like he had the right of way. Never mind that he had to swerve around the guy waiting at the stop sign in order to be at that place at that time – and the drivers of the two vehicles on the cross street, waiting at the stop signs, were shaking their heads in wonderment.

Doofus and Dorkus have a cousin in California (I know, it’s more like an entire family, but this one particular guy…) named Dorfus. One evening, leaving the strip mall behind Islands (best burgers in Arizona – I kid you not) I was driving towards Peoria Ave., on my way to run west and home. Dorfus comes screaming in from Peoria, all the way in my half of the driveway, and honks at me. I slammed on my brakes. As Dorfus swerved around me (and back to my half of the driveway) he continued to honk and indicate his IQ. I just shook my head and continued on my way.

People are retarded. It’s the only explanation.

More on The Religion of Peace (part 3)

January 11th, 2006 . by Cary

I promise, I won’t rant about this one. Just promise me you will go and read it.

Thank you.

May God bless and protect you and your family.

More on The Religion of Peace – part 2

January 10th, 2006 . by Cary

I noticed that there have been over 4000 attacks by members of The Religion of Peace since 9/11 (as of 1/10/06). I noticed there is a screaming lack of notice from the MSM about this particular “milestone” – especially since they seem to be very concerned about milestones.

Oh, wait – that’s only if the milestone make the US or, more specifically, the leadership of the US, look bad.

I still think the actions of the Muslim Sympathetic Media should be considered treason. Of couse, according to the Liberal Leaning Left, I am wrong – it is simply the First Amendment being implemented. I’ll tell you what – when the use of the First Amendment emboldens our sworn enemies, then it is treason.

If you still don’t think we have sworn enemies, you are not paying attention. There are people in the world who, even if we were to retreat to our own borders, would still attack us because we have freedoms, because we don’t desire to see the rise of the Caliphate, because we allow our women to wander around unaccompanied and free to pursue their own happiness.

These people are emboldened and even encouraged every time they see an article in our First Amendment protected newspapers about how a vocal minority thinks we should not be fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.

These people need to be stopped completely, because they are sworn to continue attacking until the last breath of their last proponent is drawn.

Men and women of the armed forces of the United States, I pass on to you that which was passed on to me a long time ago: Let the other guy be a Hero for his cause – and accelerate that goal with your superior firepower.

May God protect and bless you all.

My "Curse"

January 5th, 2006 . by Cary

It seems that there are different types of blogs on the net.

Some are very active, “this is the only thing I do all day” blogs, where the content is always fresh – to the point of being updated every time you click on the refresh button. One example of this is Little Green Footballs, link is on the left column.

Some are kind of active, being updated two or three times a week, such as the BLOG or Waiter Rant.

Some, like mine, get updated when time and material mesh and a new entry is keyed in.

Some get listed on my blog and never update again. I am sure that if you have explored my links you have discovered which ones these are. This is my curse. I find a blog that I am interested in, and it seems that is a better than 50% chance that the author will fall off the earth right after I list them.

What should I do with links to blogs that don’t seem to update? Should I try to track down the owner and see if there is a next of kin? Should I simply de-list them? Or should I keep them linked, in the hopes that they will eventually update? I know – I could market and sell this as a service – want someone to disappear? Let me know what there link is – I will list it, and there’s a good chance they won’t ever be heard from again… (this probably won’t work on Liberal blogs; they mostly seem to be the “I don’t have any other life activities” types of blogs)

Speaking of links – if you link to my blog, would you please drop me a line, so I can be sure I am returning the favor? That is, if you want to take the chance…

Here’s hoping your Christmas was reverant, your New Year is starting out Happy, and all in all you are doing well.

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