The Gunny mentioned this to me in an e-mail, and I thought I would expound a bit:
Gunny and I belong to BlogMad (button on the left), a hit-generator that drives traffic to your site. Basically, you surf the blogs that belong to their exchange, and in turn other people who surf through that site will be directed to your site based on how many sites you visit. Gunny mentioned that most of the blogs he sees on this exchange seem to be left leaning liberal blogs.
My theory on this? As I mentioned to him, I think that it is because the people who have the most time to spend on the blog exchanges, surfing sites in their spare times, are liberals – they have lots of free time to burn, since they are not as involved as their conservative counterparts are in other activities – such as community, church, family, friends, and work.
For example, I don’t get to spend a lot of time on BlogMad because my days are taken up with working forty-some hours a week, my evening are spent either with my wife and our dogs or at church with our friends, I am on the HOA board, and the weekends are for projects around the house (honey-dos, if you will) and church some more. How involved am I in church? We have a Tuesday evening Bible study, a Thursday evening service, and a Sunday evening service. I sing on the praise team, so that means Saturday afternoon practice. I lead the choir, which means Saturday evening practice. I drive the shuttle on Thursday and Sunday, so I need to be at church an hour early and I get to stay an hour after. All this involvement in community, church, family, friends, and work doesn’t leave a lot of time to be surfing aimlessly.
More liberal leaning people do not, generally, involve themselves in matters outside their own little scope of influence. It is my opinion that they are, for the most part, too busy reading their “Liberal Newsletter of Talking Points” and blogging – which also explains why all their posts seem to be pounding the same points at the same time.
Now, quick, everyone put on your asbestos suits – I think I sense a firestorm coming my way.
God bless you all, and get involved in your community, church, family, friends, and work!