The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

So, A Chick Walks Into A Bar…

October 8th, 2006 . by Cary

…doesn’t get any full names, and claims that she has it on good authority that our boys are bad.

I could reminisce about many a sea story told by Marines less scrupulous than myself .. ok, me, too … in order to score a date with the hot chick. Geez, people, let’s give the Marines a little bit of credit, OK? They do screen the potential guards pretty thoroughly, physically and psychologically, before posting them in a sensitive position. Here’s a hint: if they are bragging in a bar, then it probably didn’t happen.

It’s Friday – Again!

October 6th, 2006 . by Cary

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Have you gotten your Red Shirt yet?


Fifty lashes with a wet noodle! Then go here and order yours, TODAY!

God bless you all, have a wonderful weekend!

End of Baseball Season

October 5th, 2006 . by Cary

This baseball season has been one to bring a lot of changes to the Diamondbacks.

This was the last year for the purple, teal, black, and gold; next season will be “Sedona Red” and tan. Louis Gonzalez, the Goodwill ambassador for the team, and the last original member of the World Series team, is leaving, after a sound business decision to not pick up his option year. Sound business, but not sound from a fan’s standpoint – Gonzo has always been a steady and reliable player, and is a catalyst for the team in their relations with the communities of the Salt River Valley.

And Thom Brennaman, the voice of the Diamondbacks, is leaving – to join his father, Marty, in the broadcast booth for the Cincinnati Reds.

I grew up listening to the Reds on WLW 700, listening to Marty’s masterful play-by-play commentary, so when Thom was picked as the voice of the Arizona Diamondbacks, I was really looking forward to the radio broadcasts. I was not disappointed.

I’m going to miss these two players in the Diamondbacks organization, but I have confidence that with the extra budget room the pitching staff will be improved, to give Brandon Webb some much-needed help in the starting rotation. After all, he can’t do it all himself.

Now that the post-season is here, I can concentrate on the Chase for the Nextel Cup. Talledega is next, and promises to be the fastest traffic jam in the Chase. One thing is for sure when Talledega is the next race: the standings will change. Maybe we’ll see another charge like Dale Sr.’s, from 18th with three laps to go, to the winner’s circle. That race was fantastic, and I look forward to watching this weekend. Oh, and the Craftsman Trucks are going to be racing at ‘Dega for the first time ever this year. I sure hope I get all my chores done in time to plop down on the sofa…

God bless you all, and stay safe. Leave the racing to the professionals, or at least to the cars and motorcycles on the tracks this weekend.

NuTang? What’s That?

October 3rd, 2006 . by Cary

BlogMad’s newsletter came with an invitation to join NuTang, and make some BlogMad credits if I wrote about and linked to the NuTang site.

Honestly, it’s another free-blog site. I have enough fun/trouble/headaches with Blogger, thank you very much.

OK, enough gratuitous attempts at getting more BlogMad credits.

How was your weekend?

Baby Pool is up to 300 credits for the Big Prize, and the consolation prize is at 70 credits. Tell your friends, and get them all to join up!

I have a few projects to work on, so I’ll leave you all with the standard:

God Bless you all, and be safe!

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