The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Happy Birthday to The Most Beautiful Woman in the World

January 9th, 2007 . by Cary

I love you!

Cary Cartter for President

January 6th, 2007 . by Cary

Write me in, folks. I’ll have the papers filed shortly.

This is the post that led to this decision. It’s on Jenn’s blog, and there is some language involved.

I can hear you wondering, “Cary, what do you know about running the country?”

I know enough not to let armed invaders get away without some ventilated clothing.

I know enough not to let non-citizens claim rights under our constitution.

I know enough not to allow illegal immigrants to benefit from the hard work of the American citizens and legal immigrants.

I know enough to actually assign jobs to people trained in the area, and then get the h3ll out of their way while they do the job to the best of their ability.

I know enough that unless this country gets a leader with the intestinal fortitude to actually lead this country instead of letting other country’s public opinion dictate the leaders’ actions, this country won’t exist for very long.

Mr. Bush, with all respect due to the office you are holding, you aren’t doing the job I voted for you to do. Get your act together. When I take office, I will need to get a lot done real quick, and I would rather not have to un-do everything you’ve done.

Cabinet and support staff position candidates, please leave a comment briefly outlining your beliefs and abilities. My press secretary will be Texas Fred – because he won’t put up with any crap – from the MSM or from me. All other positions (with the exceptions of First Lady, First Daughter, and First Dogs/Cats) are open.

Don’t worry, Liberals will have a place in my administration also – after all, without bad examples, the rest of the country would have to make the same mistakes they did.

I promise to look after THIS country’s best interests first. Yes, there will be some hard rows ahead, but what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.

I will post my dirty secrets here, so there won’t be any “shocking discoveries” made later.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support the Freedom Project, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


While We Were Sleeping…

January 5th, 2007 . by Cary

TexasFred has an interesting little tidbit about a sortie from Mexico testing our defenses.

So, we have to follow the same stupid Rules of Engagement that we are following in the Middle East (the ROEs that are getting our troops killed, becasue they have to balance the political ramifications against the physical safety of anyone downrange), and the same stupid ROEs that got 242 fine young men killed in Beirut (you can carry your weapons, but you can’t have any ammo because that might offend the ones we are here to work with)?

What a crock of kimchi that is.

The border of the United States is being threatened. It may be time to either form a Militia, or go “freedom fighter” in the streets. If we go FF, then the libs will understand us and support our cause. If we go Militia, then we will get a government by the people, for the people once again.

Personally, I don’t have a preference. I took an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and if the leaders are allowing this type of attack across our borders against our own troops, then the leaders have become domestic enemies. Perhaps they need to be replaced first.

I have been told that as a Christian, I should be very strong and concerned about the spiritual salvation of those around me. Without the freedoms we have in this country, there would be no way to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ without reprisal. I am not ashamed of the Gospel; I am not afraid to die in service for my Lord; I would want to be sure that I did not allow this country to slip into a position where no one could share the Gospel or bring the Good News to anyone at anytime. And I certainly don’t want to be the one who looks the other way while the country is sold down the river while the legal citizens are kept in the dark about what the “leaders” are truly doing.

Wake up, America.

Oh, by the way –

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Go here.

Wearing red as a show of support is to let any veterans in the area know that you support THEM regardless of your take on the current military situation.

While you are in the mood to show support for veterans, go here and show some support for the Freedom Project. Tell Minuteman I sent you. He will be more than happy to stop by your town so you can meet him in person, once he gets on the road.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support the Freedom Project!

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2007 . by Cary

First Things First Dept.:

The results of the Great Big Wonderful Baby Pool Contest are in. Using my amazing spreadsheet skills, I was able to determine the winner and make transfer arrangements within a few hours of MEG’s birth (12/30/06 at 1442 MST).

Drumroll, please:

prying1 came in second, with a guess (12/31/06 at 0700 MST) that missed by 16 hours and 18 minutes, winning the consolation prize of 184 BlogMad credits.

Jarhead John, with a winning guess (12/30/06 at 1800 MST) that was off by a mere 3 hours and 18 minutes, wins the grand prize of 836 BlogMad credits.

Congratulations to you both, and please make your accounts ready for an infusion of BlogMad credits!

While the turnout for the contest was light, I want to thank everyone who helped me keep it in front of the masses (my Blogroll on the left is the thank you list, most of them mentioned me at least once during this contest) but especially Paul, at BlogMad, for putting it up as a banner that alternated in with other messages.

Now, it’s really late and I have to go to work instead of hang out with TMBWitW and our new daughter tomorrow morning. I praise God for having a job to go to, and I look forward to being able to do it in order to support my newly expanded family.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support the Freedom Project!

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