The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A View From Tuesday

September 30th, 2008 . by Cary

Before heading out this morning, I thought I would take a quick peek at the ol’ blogroll, and my first stop was over at BlackFive. Down the page a bit was a link to a NewYorkSlimes piece whining about the common sense that prevailed over the king’s ransom being handed out to failures. Story here.

This part of the story is what caught my eye, and is triggering a bit of a common sense rant:

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., appearing at the White House late Monday afternoon, warned that the failure of the rescue plan could dry up credit for businesses big and small, making them unable to make payrolls or buy inventory.

Maybe I’ve been going about this “business owner” thing all wrong – I thought you bought inventory and paid wages out of the money you made from the service and/or product you provided? You know, collect on the invoice, turn around and pay your employees, buy more inventory, pay the utilities, and the leftover goes in the owner’s pocket or, if he’s smart, into a CONTINGENCY FUND for when someone doesn’t pay the invoice right away…

Obviously, I need to rethink my business model. I need to start “leveraging” my “receivables” and “monetizing” my “books” so I, too, can show false profits and qualify for a government handout.

It is obvious that I am involved in the wrong end of the business world. I need to get into the money supplying end of it, instead of the money using end of it.

Then again, what do I know? I’m just a red necked, bog dwelling hick with no formal ed-uh-muh-cay-shun. The fact that my business runs without a debt probably disqualifies me from belonging to the great herd at the public trough, anyway.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


I Got To See My Sister Today

September 29th, 2008 . by Cary

Friday evening I got a cab out of dispatch kind of late – a little after 1900 hours, so I had it until about 0700 Saturday morning. I slept most of Saturday, and picked up the Saturday PM cab about 1630. I turned it in Sunday about 0430, went home, took a three hour nap, went to church, went back home, and laid back down about noon. At 1445, my cousin called.

About 25 years ago, my sister LeaAnn (who is seven years older than I am), fought breast cancer to a draw – she survived, but had a mastectomy. About 17 years ago she started an on-again, off-again battle with recurrence. Last April the cancer resurfaced, this time metastasized in her liver, brain, and bones. Friday was her “last” oncology appointment; they did not schedule any more after that.

My cousin (CT) had called to let me know that LeaAnn was at home, on oxygen and pain meds, and resting. I had not planned to go up to Flagstaff to see her before 1445 Sunday afternoon, but ended up going. TMBWitW and MEG stayed home; TMBWitW has month-end closing this week. MEG spent this morning at a friend’s house, and will be there tomorrow and Wednesday. I was at LeaAnn’s house by 1730 Sunday evening. Mom greeted me by looking up at my face (her vision is failing), down at my belly, back up at my face, poking me in the belly and said “Who’s this fat kid?” “Good to see you, too, Mom.”

Another of my sisters (LC) was there with her daughter (ME); I had just missed a niece (CY) and a brother (BK) by an hour or two (they left Flagstaff about the time I left Phoenix), another brother (RC) was still there with his wife (SC) and their daughter (ST), and LeaAnn’s husband (MH) and son (SH) were there. Mom, RC and his family left shortly after I got there. I went in and said hi to LeaAnn, and talked briefly – just long enough to realize that she was in and out of lucidity and the pain meds weren’t keeping her 100% free of pain yet.

I spent the night at her house. This morning LC and ME headed to Tucson to pick up a few things; LC is picking up my third sister, AW, at the airport tonight (flying in from Ohio) and then heading back to Tucson. They will be going back up to Flagstaff Tuesday morning, I will be catching a ride with them. ME is headed back to school and midterms and may rejoin the group later. My older brother, DC, lives in Salt Lake City and may not be able to get down here; he’s been out of work and eating up the savings for a few months now. LC and AW will be coming back through Phoenix late Wednesday evening, and will be dropping me off then. For those keeping track, I may not be active this week until Thursday’s Round Up and Update.

LeaAnn is a fighter. She beat cancer before, and she has not quit fighting. The treatments are not affecting the cancer anymore, but she is still fighting. Right now, cancer has the upper hand, but with God all things are possible. I’m not saying she will be healed, but I’m not saying she won’t. It is His will, not ours. After all the treatments, she looks so tiny.

This morning I talked to LeaAnn again before coming home. She asked what day it was, and I told her it was Monday, September 29, 2008. She said she needed to get up soon because she had to get to work tomorrow. Then she told me that if she said she was tired and needed a nap, it was because she was tired and needed a nap. She wanted to make sure of the date, because she thought it was Tuesday, sometime in June.

I said “No, it’s Monday, September 29.”

“Oh” she said. She seemed puzzled at the date.

I kissed her forehead. “I love you, LeaAnn.”

LeaAnn said, “I love you, too, Cary.”

I got to see my sister today.

Red Friday

September 26th, 2008 . by Cary

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Are You Wearing Red?

Today on The O Word we talked about my vacation being over, water temperatures, shaving (shaving?), the Post Turtle appearing on Snopes (along with the obvious leftist bent of, the Federal Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, “Chasing” WaMu, To Debate or Not to Debate?, The Political Ten Commandments courtesy of Richard and how the Diamondbacks have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Big thank-you to prying1, Gawfer, Candelo, and Rosee for stopping by during the show.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round Up

September 25th, 2008 . by Cary

I slept through the alrm that would have allowed me to get up and go to the autoparts store to get the last few items needed for the radiatorectomy that is needed on the QX4. I didn’t really feel like rolling around under the SUV to begin with…

Let’s start off this bailout Thursday Round Up with a very astute and, it would seem, right on the mark observation of the origin of this issue on Bloviating Zeppelin. That’s right, folks – political correctness run amuk. Again.

GuyK over at Charming, Just Charming knows the politicians are worth every penny paid for them, and decides to go with humor to keep from getting too mad.

Take a break and enjoy the view of the flycatchers and other fauna around Richard’s place, At The Water.

Near picture of a Reaper on BlackFive.

Pastor Ed Boston got some good news about “Drill Here, Drill Now” and would like to share it with you on Do The Right Thing.

Chief Roland has a cool picture of a Marine exiting a CH-53 on The Roland Blog.

An ode to the Superfortress from the Loon on One Loon’s Tales.

Oh, to be in Alaska, and sharing the views and natural abundance. Next best thing? Read about Alaska Steve enjoying his view, and not having to share the natural abundance on A Sense Of Place. (Hey, Steve, work on being able to share the berries over the ‘net, ‘kay?)

Inspiring, as usual. Andrew Tallman.

Improv Everywhere has details up for The Great MP3 Experiment 2008 – check for details in your area.

Akinoluna has an insight about the “foreign experience” brouhaha surrounding a certain candidate. And by the way, Akinoluna – thank you for your continued service. I really do appreciate that you are carrying on a long-standing tradition of selfless sacrifice for your country.

Samantha has a word or two about “research” and “study groups” on Samantha Speaks.

Jenn, of Jungle fame, has posted about Senators doing the job they were elected to do. As usual, the Lefty Contingent sees it as an entirely different matter.

Fred has a really neat idea for an economic recovery plan. See the details on Texas Fred’s.

Old Soldier made it through Ike – go check out the pics of the storm damage…

Kathi has the Wednesday Hero up on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops.

Still have questions about the banking issues here in the US? Head over to Dumb Looks Still Free and let AJacksonian school you a little bit.

Third Wave Dave is taking a much-deserved break. He has left a number to call to voice your concern about the latest bail out…

Cube outdoes herself today, and within a few entries manages to hit on Nature, Foreign Leaders, Lack of History, and Mathematics. Go, see the artistry at the BLOG.

The list of Things That Offend muslims continues to grow on Amboy Times. May it always be so. Pretty soon, maybe they will be offended out of existence. Just sayin’…

You will find a background testimony about Johnny Helms over at Amazed In His Presence.

Greybeard registers displeasure at a lame attempt at “comedy” on Pitchpull.

mdconservative® has a word about Euroweenie Missles on his Conservative Intelligence Report.

Bushwack wants you to support your local PD. Find out why at American And Proud Of It.

RegularRon thinks that if we are going to be forced to accept public bails of private companies, then the example in India should be followed… on The Old Right Daily.

Mary discusses The Shack and reminds me to get off my butt and finish it.

cookiecrumbexpress has a quick rundown of the forces that support the Obamanation.

Last, but certainly not least, RattlerGator takes a break from his insightful political analysis and turns his eye towards a travesty of justice in the Football Hall of Fame.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

House Meeting

September 23rd, 2008 . by Cary

The meeting of the Cats will now come to order. Sit down, Captain.

The meeting of the Cats will now come to ord – no, Captain, we will NOT hold the meeting outside. Yes, I know it’s very nice out this morning. You would just jump the fence and be gone…

The meeting of the Cats will now – Captain, you are about this close to finding a new home.

Fine – Roll call, in order of seniority – Vashka – Sarabi – Captain – Jewel – and Phantom. Good. Now, first item is the use of the litter box. First, I would like to say that I do appreciate everyone now using the litter boxes, instead of random spots on the floor. Not mentioning any names, Captain, but I think you all know who the culprit was on that subject.

However, in spite of the use of the litter box, I think the next area to be addressed would have to be covering up what is done in the litter box, for the olfactory consideration of the others in the household. The natural scent of the litter will only go so far.

The next item is the treatment of the older cats by the younger cats. Again, I will not mention any names, Phantom, but there have been inquiries as to the necessity of having more than two cats in the house in the first place, and a certain senior cat has specifically requested the removal of the most junior cat. At this time, we are not looking at a reduction in Cat Force, however, economic and personnel considerations may necessitate a future revision of this position. Particularly if any further complaints are received. Again, not pointing any fingers, Phantom, but if the shoe fits …

With that, do I have a motion to adjourn? Thank you Vashka – second? Thank you, Jewel. Adjourned.


The meeting of the Dogs will now come to order. Sit! Stay!

Roll call by seniority: Sadie – Sara – Cinnamon – Mackenzie. Good. A moment of silence to remember Logan.

Thank you.

First item – the management wishes to assure all personnel holding the position of Dog in the household that not all car trips are one way. If you will all recall, there has only been one trip that was not there and back, and it was due to medical reasons. Until and unless medical issues arise, all car trips are for fun!

Second item – please remember the big bed is primarily for the humans. Any dogs on the big bed are there at the discretion of one or both of the humans, and that privilege can and will be revoked for either hogging space or passing gas.

Third item – random barking in the middle of the night is not nearly as amusing as you might think. Please keep any middle-of-the-night barking to truly emergency reasons. This means if there is a fire or break in, you may bark; but if there is a car driving down the street you may not.

Do I have a motion to adjourn? Thank you, Sara – second? Thank you, Sadie. Adjourned.


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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