The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Oh! Hi there!

September 28th, 2012 . by Cary

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OK, well, it would appear that life is infringing on my posting again. I am having a blast doing cabinets again, this time from a project manager/builder account manager angle instead of getting my hands covered in sawdust and filled with splinters.

I’ve been in the industry for about mumbletymumble years or so, and I’ve even worked for this company before – but there are things that you learn because you didn’t do them that way, or didn’t do them, or weren’t aware they were done even though you saw the end results. Paperwork is one of those things. Holy tree killers, Batman – I thought the cabinet industry went through a lot of wood. I think the planning and prepping for building the cabinets kills more trees than actually making the boxes.

OK, I’m exaggerating. But not by much.

I am diggin’ the open-ended schedule, though – except for the part were I spend most of Friday evening getting caught up with what I did all week. That should change once I get a solid handle on what I’m working on. I get to drop MEG off at school (did i mention that she’s in kindergarten already? she was born what, a couple months ago, right?) and head for my first appointments or the plant or the showroom depending on where I’m needed, and when I wrap up what I need to get done, I head on over to the sister-in-love’s house and pick MEG up and take her home. Unless TMBWitW beats me to it, in which case I just head for the house.

Today when I dropped MEG off at school, there was dad dropping off his kindergartner – or maybe first grader at the most – on his Harley. I admit, I was kinda jealous. I called TMBWitW and told her what I saw. She said it would be fine, if she hadn’t picked up her Daddy’s fearlessness – that kid will do anything. If she was scared, she would hang on tight, but Mommy is afraid that the little daredevil won’t have any fear and will end up falling off the bike.

So we made a deal – when it gets to the point that Mommy gets to retire, Daddy gets to do his work on a Harley and Mommy gets to take MEG to school.

I can hardly wait.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Up To Speed

September 20th, 2012 . by Cary

There is the act of gradually remembering things you have done before, re-learning how to apply them in a practical manner, and easing back into the groove as the train picks up speed while leaving the station.

And then there is the act of jumping over the railing of the overpass, landing on top of said train after it has already hit top speed and is barreling across the topography, while you hope and pray that you find a handhold and the draft doesn’t suck you off and discard you like yesterday’s candy wrapper.

Guess how my week’s been going?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

September 11, 2012

September 11th, 2012 . by Cary

At the top of the sidebar, you will see four names:

Yuk Ping Wong

Charles J. Houston

Joshua Aron

Yin Ping Wong

Never Forget.

Too many appear to have forgotten.

Liars, Liars, Pants on Fires

September 6th, 2012 . by Cary

Go Here. Read this, follow the links, and come back here and tell me why the Dems think they can LIE TO THE COUNTRY AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

That is all.

Labor Day 2012

September 3rd, 2012 . by Cary

September 3rd, 1950 – David Kellog Cartter and Dona Rae Couch were married, marking the start of my family. Theirs would be a long and happy marriage, not without it’s bumps, but for the most part quite normal and middle class.

Early summer, 1992 – Mom and Dad came out to visit me in California. The morning they were getting ready to leave, I insisted on taking them to breakfast. Dad didn’t want to, wanted to get on the road and go. Mom saw the look on my face – I just had the feeling that I wouldn’t see Dad again.

September 3rd, 1992 – the morning of their 42nd Anniversary, Dad had been in the hospital in Tucson overnight for observation; a blood clot broke loose from his leg and moved up into his heart. I was at work when the call came in. I headed for Tucson that afternoon, driving.

It has been twenty years. I know that I should not still be dwelling on this. So much has happened in these years. His youngest granddaughter never got to meet him. I am pretty sure they would have gotten along famously, since I see so much of him in her.

My wife would have loved him also. I know he would have loved her. I know that my wife and my Mom would have gotten along better if he had still been around, but since Mom is gone now too that doesn’t really matter any more.

I still miss him so, so much.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!