The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


February 4th, 2015 . by Cary

“No free government was ever founded or ever preserved its liberty, without uniting the characters of the citizen and soldier in those destined for the defense of the state…. Such are a well regulated militia, composed of the freeholders, citizen and husbandman, who take up arms to preserve their property, as individuals, and their rights as freemen.” –Josiah Quincy Jr., Thoughts on Standing Armies, 1774

We have a “leader” who refuses to recognize – no, that’s not right. He recognizes it, kinda like you recognize your brother in a picture – who refuses to ACKNOWLEDGE that the United States is being attacked by islam. Not the religion, because it’s not a religion so much as a way of governmental control, but by the adherents TO that method of governmental control. The islamists who are attacking not just us, but people in all countries worldwide, have only one goal: complete and total subjugation of the world to their belief system A belief system that has no room or tolerance for Christian, or Jews, or homosexuals, or outspoken females (or any females, really – sharia law much?) has no room for anyone who is not a true, ardent believer in the system themselves. There are liberal progressives here in the United States that have the intentional ignorance to march in a demonstration holding signs saying “Gays and muslims Unite For Decency” – the ignorance comes from not knowing how gays are treated under sharia law (hint – it’s more than just verbal rebuking for an ungodly lifestyle), the intentional comes from not being willing to do their own research. All they parrot is what they are told.

Obama(THHO) had the chance to take a lesson in leadership when Jordan’s King cut short their visit and flew back to Jordan to take charge of the issue, and ordering the execution of the ISIS prisoners they had in retaliation for the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot. Instead Obama(THHO) decides to issue another sternly worded warning. Yeah, like that’s going to do anything.

What the left, the progressives, the pResident (Obama(THHO)), and the liberals do not want to know (can you say “willful ingorance”? I knew you could …) is that the only way to deal with an organization that thinks that death and martyrdom is the goal, is to give them exactly what they are asking for.

Make them all martyrs.

I look at it as a win-win situation. They get their reward, we get a peaceful existence.

One caveat – it must be total. All of the islamists must be martyred. All practitioners of islam, all muslims, must be allowed to reach their goal. All of them. There are no moderates, there are only those waiting for their chance. Any left, allowed to live, will just start the whole process over again.

Problem is, they live here in the United States, too. Legally or not, they have immigrated here. Invaded these shores, under the guise, direction, and blessing of administrations that are more concerned with building a voter base than the security of the citizens of this country. So they live in your neighborhood, they work in your businesses, they leech benefits from the very government they are here to destroy. If, say, a single person were to initiate the beginnings of fulfilling the martyr’s wishes, that single person would be viewed as a criminal by the very government he was trying to protect. It will take more than a lone wolf to start the protection of this land, but there are already a lot of lone wolves out there, circulating among the citizenry. When the tipping point arrives, you will know them by their actions. You will have a choice then – help them, or be a hindrance. I’m pretty sure any hindrance would not be viewed favorably.

I pray that I am wrong, I pray that we as a nation will wake up in time to defend our way of life, but I am afraid that it is already too late, and that the enemy is already sitting at our tables.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

How About Now?

February 3rd, 2015 . by Cary

If we as a country do not do anything to stop this behavior, it will be happening in our own neighborhoods. If we as a country do no more than send sternly worded letters, and slap ineffectually at the aggressor’s advances, we as a nation will be subsumed by the inhuman movement called islam – populated by muslims.

Do not tell me that there are “moderate” muslims, that these actions are being taken by a “small faction” of the followers of islam. If the rest of the followers of islam do not speak out against these atrocities, then the “moderate” muslims are just as guilty as the one who lit the match today.

“Oh, Cary, what about the radical so-called Christians?”

Show me three instances in the last two months where a “radical” Christian has acted in such a barbaric manner. I can point to ten times that many offenses by muslims in the last two weeks.

Show me a single time that radical Christians acted out at all, and were NOT immediately denounced, resisted, and rebuked by other Christians. I cannot point to a single instance where any of the beheadings or tortuous actions by members of islam were rebuked, denounced, or resisted by other members of islam; I can, in fact, remember one terrifying instance when islams worldwide were shown on television CELEBRATING the fall of the Twin Towers.

You know what? I don’t want to hear another whiney complaint about waterboarding. The only sound I want to hear in regards to these animals is the release of safeties on weapons of destruction, pointed at Every. Single. muslim. In. The. World.

islam is not a religion. It is a political method, run by imams, followed by jihadists, and using the dhimmis here in this country to continue to blow a smoke screen of confusion up everyone’s skirt.

I say again: rid the world of this ilk.

Because until we rid the world of these animals, they will continue to breed, and continue to act in the manner they have demonstrated. Guess what? I don’t want my daughter growing up in that kind of world.

Until/unless the people of this country get off their collective butts, and stop worrying about whether or not a bakery is being discriminatory by refusing service to someone and START being more concerned about the country as a whole, then we as a nation are lost.

Keep them loaded, keep them clean, keep them dry.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

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