Friday! Red!
February 6th, 2009 . by CaryAfter my hiatus, I have been trying to figure out the best time to do my show on BlogTalkRadio. I have decided to present my thoughts to you, my lowyal two or three readers, and hope some listeners also chime in.
My show used to be on at 0700 MST on Friday mornings. TMBWitW usually has holidays on Fridays, making the show an interruption of our time together. Can’t have that. MEG usually wakes up around 0800 or a little later, doesn’t have a set nap time, and won’t sit still without a straight jacket. Also, constant supervision is mandatory with a two-year-old. TMBWitW gets home around 1700 or so. Bedtime is 2000 for MEG and 2100 for us old folk. TMBWitW goes to bed at 2100 also (how was that for a save?).
The first Monday evening every other month is the HOA board meeting – I am on the board. Wednesday evening is church. Friday is either operating for the Black Canyon Railroad, a board meeting for BCRR (I’m on that board, too), or the church service that gets relegated to third place if I’m not doing anything else. Sunday morning is the main service at church followed by Afterglow, where the fellowship continues over lunch provided by the church. I imagine that if I needed to, I could go to a late show (after 2100 MST) on Tuesday or Thursday or even a Sunday evening show.
What are ya’ll’s thoughts? Leave a comment below, whether it matters to you or not, because I would really like to see if I could target a larger audience.
Chat ya later…
Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!
Edit to add:
Even if you only read the blog, and don’t (or haven’t) listened to the show, I’d like to know that, too. Thanks!
IF I was back in the states, I’d vote for early Friday evening, or Saturday morning. Of course, what matters most is when you have the time, energy, etc.
Time and energy are good considerations.
I hadn’t really thought about Saturday morning, since I figured anyone up early on that day would be more interested in cartoons. Trying to shoehorn it in early Friday evening would be kinda stressful, with the inevitable conflicts with dinner and what not.
I’ll take a look at Saturday mornings – that might work. Of course, if yours is the only response I may not pursue the show anymore at all!
I’ve already read the later post and know the decision you’ve made. I’m glad you’ve decided.
Your list of time consumers reminds me of me. We are short a pilot at work, so three of us are doing the work of four. Add that to trying to keep my personal business afloat, and you can understand when I say “In my spare time, I sleep”, it’s not a joke.
You and me and our peers need to pay our taxes in support of “the stimulus”, right?
…Excuse me, I have to get back to work.
Yeah, what are you doing, lolling around the computer, when you’ve got a stimulus to pay for?
Spare time is, and has been, a luxury for too long. I have GOT to win a lottery somewhere so I can retire and my wife won’t have to work either…