Busiest Unemployed Man Ever
May 4th, 2009 . by CaryFor being without a for-real, honest-to-goodness job, I sure seem to be busy.
Friday and Saturday I drove cab (two twenty-four hour shifts), Sunday morning was church, and I caught a three-hour nap on Sunday afternoon. That pretty much wiped out the weekend. This morning, I have a chiropractor appointment (Hi, Dr. Powell!) and then it’s back over to the church – time for the flooring in the new “gameroom.” I know, I promised pictures of the light fixtures (I only helped hang two of the five; two Fridays ago a crew hung the rest and this last Friday some more volunteers hung the blinds and started the flooring), but I’ve been a bit busy. At any rate, I will get pictures up soon covering the latest developments in the “gameroom.”
Gotta get going now – MEG needs to get up and get dressed (she woke up earlier, but wasn’t ready to get up, if you know what I mean) and then we will be running for the day.
Chat ya later…
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