Where Does The Time Go?
July 16th, 2009 . by CarySometimes, life gets in the way of trying to keep a blog up-to-date. Take this week, for example. I’ve spent most of it trying to get this new computer updated with the stuff I can’t live without from the old computer. I haven’t even started working on the stuff that TMBWitW needs on the new computer.
Yes, a new computer. No, we couldn’t afford it – but we also couldn’t afford to be without a computer at all, as most of you are in the same boat – your lives are inextricably intertwined with, through, and around either email, electronic checking and bill paying, or some other aspect of the computer in your daily lives. Originally I was just going to replace the hard drive in the old ‘puter and use the existing drive (reformatted) as extra storage. Fry’s Electronics had a one terrabyte hard drive on sale for $90 – isn’t technology amazing? – but then I started looking at the price of an operating system to make the new hard drive go. You see, the old hard drive was transplanted from the original computer, and it still had Windoze XP (home) on it. With the need to replace the hard drive (I have removed and replaced everything BUT the OS, and it still wouldn’t let me get on the internet in anything but safe mode) came the need to have a new copy of an operating system.
Don’t you love when the manufacturer gets to preload what they want to sell with the computer and not have to supply the original disks?
So – in the end, it was cheaper to buy a new laptop with Windoze “Vista” on it than to buy a hard drive and the OS separately. I know – I’m in the process of downloading Linux and getting it ready to run sideways on this computer. Then, maybe I can avoid this problem in the future. Maybe.
TMBWitW also took some time off this week – paid, this time – and suggested that I drive cab for most of the days she was off, to help make up the deficit from when she had to take a “furcation” – furlough, with out pay – last month. So, I drove yesterday, a twenty four hour shift. When I got home, there was a surprise from my wife waiting for me (remember, this is a “G” rated blog!):
Her note touched me. I cried. Can’t wait until I have enough time to sit down and watch the movie.
Got in bed this morning at 0515, got up at 0800 because the bug service was going to be here “promptly at 0830” – which, of course, means they didn’t show up until 1030 and then only after I had called and asked where they were.
Then, I managed to finish a project that needed installed for some time. finally, got BACK in bed about 1300, and slept until 1800. I’ll be going back to bed shortly, and getting up early tomorrow morning so I can do the cab thing again, this time for two days running. If I don’t see you for a couple of days, you’ll understand, right?
Chat ya later…
Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!
“I cried”.
You’re not the only one.
And again, everytime I re-read the note.
Hey, GB – in case I haven’t said this lately – thank you for your service.
Thanks Cary, but no need…
Remember I was drafted, so serving was forced upon me. You, on the other hand, volunteered.
I was watching “The Military Channel” last night and was enlightened by comments made by one of the pilots involved in the Battle of Midway…
“At some point you realize there’s something more important than the individual.”
Band of Brothers?
Thank you too, sir.
Yeah, but I only signed once. You retired as a major, right? It takes more than one enlistment to attain that rank, unless I missed the “fast track” option somewhere along the line…
“At some point you realize there’s something more important than the individual.”
Which is, of course, the one aspect of military service that seems so damned elusive to the liberals and left wing yahoos in this country. This thought, absent in some single-contract service members, also explains why you can get “veterans” who don’t get it. It’s because they served for the money, not for their country.
It’s odd to have someone who outranks you call you “sir” …