The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Another Update? How Boring…

September 6th, 2006 . by Cary

Well, please bear with me.

Tuesday’s events wore on: M, the twin, was waiting with Grace for the transport company to come and get her. A social worker walked into the room, and asked for information about the hospice she was headed too, and asked for A so she could sign the release. A was waiting at the hospice in Kingman so Grace wouldn’t be alone when she got there. The social worker fretted about what to do if mom passed away while being transported, M about went off on the worker but instead left, since Loving Husband was there. Loving Husband, by the way, was trying to convince anyone who would listen that it would be better to just increase the morphine dosage, until, well, you know. wattajerk

LH heard from his insurance company that they would not pay for the transport back to Kingman. He suggested they load her in his Jeep, and he would drive her home.

That idea was vetoed rather quickly.

By the time A arrived back in Vegas, it was early Wednesday morning. Social worker showed back up. Shortly after, God moved in a mysterious way. A friend of social worker, who happened to work at Harbor House Hospice (which always has a waiting list at least a year long) stopped by to visit social worker. The person from Harbor House had never been to Sunrise Medical Center, in spite of it being only two blocks from where she worked. SW told HH the story about Grace. HH said, “Well, we have an open bed, if you would be interested in bringing her there.” See? God stuff.

Long story longer – Grace will be staying at Harbor House until she passes. Her husband will probably move to Iowa, which is fine with us, since it’s some wide open country there and perhaps someone with a long rifle can get a nice view of him through a Leopold.

Oh, wait. Now, I have to pray for his safety, because if anything happens to him I will be a prime suspect.

We thank you all, once again, for being supportive and prayerful while we have been trying to sort this out.

In related updates: The 2996 project is full, which means that all the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks will be remembered next Monday.

The 2005 Toyota Camry XLE with the 4 cylinder engine will get about 39.8 miles per gallon, even at speeds between 75 and 80 miles per hour.

When you are generally worried about other aspects of your life, your work, no matter how enjoyable, sucks. And, your morbid sense of humor (coping mechanism) kicks in, hard, causing you to crack wise to your supervisor. By the way, this is not a good thing to do on a regular basis.

God bless you all, and stay safe. Update your will and your living will. Make sure you are signed up to be an organ donor, if you have been meaning to do that. Do not assign Power of Attorney to the biggest A-hole in your life, even if that person is your spouse. Listen to your children, they sometimes have the gift of knowledge, for out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom beyond their years.

6 Responses to “Another Update? How Boring…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Sues

    I’m glad to hear that you have had a positive outcome to this. At least the ahole LH is long gone and cant’ do any more damage. wattajerk is right! Load her in his jeep?! aarrrghh!!!

    Hang in there Cary, and I’m sure your supervisor will cut you some slack considering what you are going through. If not, then dont’ worry about it. Nothing you can do anyway.

  2. comment number 2 by: Cary

    Thank you for the kind words and uplift, Sues. I’ve worked with my super for over five years, we get along pretty well and he understands completely.

  3. comment number 3 by: Bushwack

    Cary, glad to see things are working out, Good advice too.

  4. comment number 4 by: Cary

    You don’t know how good that advice is. I’ll have to tell you sometime, perhaps over a game of “gawf” this winter…

  5. comment number 5 by: Mary

    Load her in a jeep and take her home? I just choked on my coffee. LH has hit an all time low with that suggestion. I’m glad he is moving….that way mil can truely pass in peace. Super understands what ails ya. Sometimes letting it rip a time or two lets others know the weight you carry on your shoulders. Continued prayers for your family.

  6. comment number 6 by: Cary

    Lovely person, isn’t he?

    Thanks again, Mary.