Long Week – it’s Friday!
November 6th, 2009 . by CaryEnded up working all week – the dishwasher called in sick on Tuesday and Wednesday – and quite frankly, I’m not getting enough sleep. So, again, the blog(s) suffer. Sorry about that.
Part of the not-enough-sleep issue is not getting notified when anyone makes a comment – so, if you have made a comment lately, and I did not comment back, I am not ignoring you – I just haven’t been on except to check my e-mail and try to my farm going in Facebook. If I didn’t get a notification, because WordPress is demanding I update (again!), then I apologize. And, as soon as I am within a hair’s breadth of being caught up again, I will catch up on all the comments again.
Another part of the whole “busybusybusy” thing I seem to be living in is that the BlogTalkRadio auotmatic scheduler didn’t. I was not aware of that until I tried to call in to host my show this morning. By the time I figured out what was going on (or, more correctly, what wasn’t going on) it was too late to get a show started. So, I just did stuff around the house instead. Now, here it is the late afternoon, and I realized I hadn’t even posted my usual reminder to Wear Red.
I am such a slacker. Why do you keep coming back?
Chat ya later…
Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!
Why do we keep coming back? Because we like you! (or what you post when you post…)
Hang in there!
Because in today’s atmosphere where it’s always someone else’s fault it is SO refreshing to hear someone admit they’ve screwed up.
An honest man is a rare things these days.
Tom and Greybeard – both of you are worth reading, also – I just haven’t gotten over as often as I should.
Thank you both for letting me know why you keep coming back. GB – honesty IS the best policy.