Great Big Wonderful Baby Pool Contest
September 20th, 2006 . by CaryUPDATE: Thank you for stopping by. Our daughter was born on December 30, 2006, and is a very healthy and very happy little girl. Please check out the other posts labeled “Baby Pool.”
Here’s the scoop:
My wife (The Most Beautiful Woman in the World) is pregnant with our first child. It’s going to be a girl, and the projected due date is December 25th, 2006. As of Monday, September 18, 2006, she was 27 weeks along.
(Note: click here for simplified instructions, thanks to prodding from Ebyjo)
I have started a Great Big Wonderful Baby Pool Contest for the day and hour that our little bundle of joy will join us. I have a number of BlogMad credits that was given to me by prying1, and I can’t think of a better way to use them. The prize pool starts at 250 BlogMad credits, and will increase with each entry. There is a small catch – you need to be registered with BlogMad to join the pool. Here’s a nifty part – just by registering with BlogMad, you will receive twenty five BlogMad credits – however, you must be a member for more than seven days, and you may not transfer if the transfer will leave you with less than 25 credits – so you’ll have to do some blog surfing first.
Each entry will cost you five BlogMad credits. Out of each entry “fee”, three BlogMad credits will be added to the first place prize, and two BlogMad credits will be added to the consolation prize. The person who comes closest to the actual day and hour will win the first place prize credits, and the person(s) who comes second closest will receive the consolation prize. In the event of two consolation prize winners, the consolation prize will be split. (I was going to say “as evenly as possible” but then my miniature mathmetician woke up and pointed out the obvious)
To enter, transfer five BlogMad credits to my BlogMad account. Send me a note indicating your choice of day and hour for the birth. Please note that an hour begins and ends at the actual hour mark, so if you enter for 1300 hours on December 24th, you will win if the birth occurs anywhere from the start of 1300 hours but before 1400 hours. Yes, the entries will be in military or twenty-four hour time to eliminate confusion at noon and midnight; and the official birth time will be recorded in Arizona time, which does not have Daylight Savings time. If the time you would like to enter is already taken, I will send you a note indicating such, with the four closest times (two before and two after) available around that time frame. You will have 24 hours to resond with a new time entry, or I will refund your BlogMad credits, for the contested entry only, in full.
I don’t know how to show the amount of BlogMad credits in my account, so you will have to take my word for it. You could ask prying1 if he did, indeed, transfer a large number of BlogMad credits to my account a while back, and while I have used some of them I assure you at least 250 remain to be the basis of the first place prize. I will match each transfer with the e-mail (or accompanying note, if that is possible) to ensure a fair and accurate entry list. Time-date stamp on the transfer will rule on who gets a time slot in the event of two or more people wanting the same time slot.
I will be keeping track of the entries in a spreadsheet. I don’t know how to link to this spreadsheet from my blog, or how to post the spreadsheet to the blog (is that even possible?) but if anyone can show me how to do it I will be more than happy to include the spreadsheet for public viewing. If you want a copy for yourself, please let me know and I will e-mail you a copy of the most up-to-date listing at the time I reply to your e-mail. Obviously, only my copy here on my PC will be used to determine the winner; if you like you can ask for as many copies as you care to, but only one copy will be sent to each e-mail address per day. If you request forty seven seperate times in one day, then I will send you one copy. No sense clogging up the bandwidth.
Ready? I will accept your entry as soon as you finish reading this blog.
God bless you all, thank you for reading, and may the best guesser win!
Update: It seems there is a slight side effect to you being referred by me to BlogMad – I get referral credits – 45 of them! Here’s what I’m going to do, so it’s not an overly mercenary attempt to get more credits for myself: I will add thirty five credits to the first place prize and ten credits to the consolation pool for every referral I get through this setup, OK? That way, someone wins real big, and it won’t be me, because I want you guys to have fun with this. I’m not in this for the BlogMad credits.
OMGosh! Can you just let me graph a parabola??? Sheesh that is complicated. My math degree is not helping!
I’m sorry, sweetie, I was just trying to cover as many loopholes as I could.
EZ instructions:
Join BlogMad.
Surf Blogs.
Transfer five credits to me, with a comment about time/date.
Sit back and wait.
Does that help?
NICE!!! That works thank you. Believe it or not, I take better directions from the male gender, than I do from females…they complicate things! “oh turn left on that block that used to have the shoe store where I bought those cute pink pumps 2 years ago, before it burned down of course, and my cousin Mindy was with me, do you remember how upset she was that day?”
*screams* lol 🙂
I’ll tell Gunz to sign us up…I have a date already with weight and length. Are we having 3 seperate pools for date? and weight…or just one?
One pool, for day and hour. Weight and length and all that would just complicate things.
(hee hee hee)
I know what you mean about directions – give me north, south, east, west, and variations thereof – tell me to turn left anywhere and I will remind you I am a staunch conservative!
Let me know the entry – I can hardly wait to start filling out the spreadsheet! (can you tell I’m a geek?)
Sounds like fun, but alas, I think I will pass. However, the main reason for this post is to congradulate you on your baby, and to state that you and your family are in my prayers. I have a 21 year old and a almost 16 year old (boy and girl respectively) so the baby fun is long ago, but enjoy it. God Bless.
Thank you very much, Douglas, we appreciate the prayers.
Big hugs to your family, and thanks for stopping by!
Ok brother I signed us up. Now I gotta figure the rest out. I signed up as GUNZ. I gotta figure the rest out in the morning…:) Semper Fi!
same here
Thank to the both of you!
Looking forward to adding you to the pool!
Ok bro I’m clueless here, this whole thing is new to me and so many moving parts…on that transfer box what is the name I put in there? confusing.
Transfer Credits
To: should be carycartter
Amount: 5 (5 credits per entry, multiple entries are allowed)
Comment: day and time (24 hour time, Arizona MST w/o Daylight Savings Time) you think the joyous event will occur.
Let me know if that helps.
Copy that over. Thanks. 🙂
Ok – I’m in – It is legal for me to enter right?
I – prying1 – do hereby swear that I sent Cary Cartter some blogmad credits and plan to win them back!
– Woooheee! I know this is my luck day. The word verification has a bunch of E-Z letters that I know where they are on the keeyboard.
Heck, yes, it’s legal for you to enter! The more, the merrier!
Just a note that Blogmad are going to throw in an additional 500 credits , so that raises the prize money to a mimimum of 800 credits.
We will also match the number of entries mulltiplied by 5 credits per entry.
So if there are 50 entries, we’ll throw in an additional 250 credits to the pot.