The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


April 25th, 2010 . by Cary

OK – so since I posted on Friday, there have been some changes around here. Quick note, first, to those with the “ru” and “pl” domains – you will never be registered as a user, and your spam comments don’t get past WP Spam, so give it up already.

Saturday morning, with the power booster in the hands of a trusted and capable friend, I headed off to play a gig at the feeding of the homeless at Crossroads United Methodist Church, put on by Prodigal’s Home. Doc Mike had the lead, Mike Beem backed him up, Brenda tickled the ivories, and I just tried to keep up with the bass. Then, since the new power booster was scheduled to be in, instead of going to the usual music fellowship, I went home to wait for the part to come in so I could a)get the road rhino back on it’s feet and 2) give TMBWitW her car back so she could run out and buy a birthday present for the birthday party later in the afternoon. While waiting for the part to show up, I went ahead and shingled the porch roof on MEG’s new doll house.

Once the power booster was here, Harry helped me get it installed and we bled the system. By this time, I had to grab a shower and get changed for my second interview. (I would like to apologize at this point for NOT keeping everyone updated as to the number of first interviews, possibilities, applications, and searching I’ve been doing – dwelling on the time involved for all the dead ends tends to make one depressed considering the lack of returns) Road rhino buttoned up, a big hug for Harry, and we departed – he was headed to his house, and I was headed for Scottsdale. Our route was pretty much the same for the first while or so, which was a good thing. About 15th Ave and Bethany Home the brakes decided not to release anymore. I forced the rhino onto a side street, and Harry pulled in behind me. No tools, headed for an interview, what to do? Naturally, Harry gave me a ride to the interview. After, we went by his house, got some tools, and headed back to the rhino. Not enough tools, as it turns out, so we had to run to my house where I changed out of interview clothes and into jeans again and grabbed more tools. Back to the rhino, fixed the issue (so we thought) and he was off to his place for a family dinner and I was off to the birthday party – a little late.

Just as I pulled up at the party, the brakes locked up again. Briefly: party, party, party, fixed the brakes again. I avoided using the brakes on the way home (try THAT in Phoenix sometime!) but they still locked up by the time I got home. After church today, I’ll be pulling the whole thing apart and starting all over again, double checking the specs before putting everything back together again.

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and hope to chat with you all real soon.

Chat ya later…


Oh – what’s that? How did the second interview go?

Pretty well – I was offered the position. I start Tuesday morning as the new store manager for Kidstop Toys. Greybeard, you can stop worrying about me in a cab! WOO HOOO!!!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

5 Responses to “Whew!”

  1. comment number 1 by: HoosierArmyMom

    Love your blog piece today. Nothing like getting the facts from Arizona. I posted a link here on my wall. Thank you for all you do dear friend.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Most welcome, HAM. I appreciate the linkage!

  3. comment number 3 by: Greybeard

    Well this is truly an answer to prayer on my part. At some point I’ll write a post about why I had great concerns about you…
    Suffice it to say it involves a local cab driver being killed over $43.
    A dangerous business and I’m glad you’re apparently lookin’ at it in your rear view mirror, bro.

  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    So…. What do you do in your SPARE time?? 😕

  5. comment number 5 by: cary

    GB – I get the feeling I know how that story goes. There are two females in this household who are VERY relieved that I am not driving the cab any more.

    Fred – spare what? I don’t understand that term…