Well, Hey There!
November 7th, 2006 . by CaryWhy are you posting, Cary? Did something happen at work?
Yes, yes it did.
IT happened.
I left. This time, I don’t think they’ll be asking me back. I left in a bit of a temper, after being told, basically, that following procedures and processes, including questioning unclear portions of an order, was not good enough. Apparently, one needs to go above and beyond filling the order placed by the salesman and actually read the mind of a customer one doesn’t interact with.
In a way, I am going to miss that place – I have – uhm, had a very high level of respect and synergy with the people I work with – excuse me, worked with – including the manager I walked out on.
So – if anyone knows of a position where cabinet software, some CAD ability and a work ethic that normally leaves Type A personalities in the dust would be required, left me know. E-mail me at carycartter AT gmail DOT com. And no, I don’t want to sell pharma-anything over the internet. Nor do I wish to be involved in Multi-Level Marketing, no matter what name is behind it.
Actually, right now, a position that requires me to test my golf clubs at various locations around the Valley of the Sun would be really good. Maybe Secret Shopper has a position like that…
God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!
Can’t read minds that’s for sure.
Oh well, you can always work on your house, but that don’t pay the mortgage.
Hope the best for ya.
Wow. I guess they just pushed you too far. I have faith that you will find an even better job Cary. Hang in there.
I’ll be talking to God about it and let Him know He should fix it for you.
Let’s go for a “coincidence”*** that gets you a better job with more pay.
***Coincidence: God moving on your behalf in ways you cannot understand.
FTGF – you said it. The house is going to be in better shape, but that won’t pay the bills.
Sue, and p1, thank you for coming together on this one – I have seen a few avenues already open up, and I know that my God will take care of me.
Hmmmm, sounds like you need to come back in. That probably won’t pay the mortgage either though (and you might have a wee problem with the age limits, LOL).
I have no doubt that you’ll bounce back from this in fine fashion.
Jarhead, I’ve felt that I should not have left when I did – if I had stayed in, I would be retired by now and looking back on a long and varied career.
You are right, the age limit thing is holding me back, but more importantly TMBWitW is telling me that I really can’t leave for long periods of time – like more than 9 or 10 hours a day. I think a deployment would violate that little rule, don’t you?
Ah, well – let’s see what’s in the paper today…