Unemployed, But Looking, Day One
November 8th, 2006 . by CaryFirst things first – thank you, my dear and gentle and faithful readers, for being joined with me in holding this up in prayer. I know that God has something better planned for me, and now it’s just a matter of listening to what He has to say.
I got up a little bit later than normal today – TMBWitW was working from home, so she didn’t have to rush right out first thing, and I certainly didn’t have anywhere to go…
An offshoot of this episode is that I figured out why I wasn’t sleeping very well. I now think that the stress and uncertainty of not knowing if I had made the right decision (going back to this job after a previous offer didn’t pan out) was keeping me up.
Anyway, the house is a little cleaner, my job prospects got shaken out a bit, the resume got massaged, and the dogs got played with. Turns out that was the most enjoyable part.
I’m even asking the Lord for guidance on whether to stay in this industry (cabinetry), or use my knowledge to tangent into another industry with similar skills (layout and design), or even to walk away from this and start on a new career.
Yeah, at my age.
Talk about a leap of faith.
Thanks for listening, and stopping by. I’ve gotta go talk to the Counselor about my career path. I’ll keep you posted.
God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!
Cary, I have no doubt that you will succeed in whatever field you choose. Marines tend to do that. Your work ethic, that you’ve discussed previously, should make you a VERY attractive prospect for any firm.
You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers while you fight through this.
Semper Fi
Hang in there, stay-at-home dad is a great job.
Yes, most Marines have a stick-to-it-ness that is appealing to employers. I wouldn’t want to work for one that doesn’t appreciate that quality.
Wild Bill, I can’t agree with you more – that is a very rewarding job, but it sticks in my craw when the wife is supporting the family if the husband is able-bodied. I know, since I was a stay-at-home dad in my first marriage, but it just doesn’t pay the bills.
Thanks to you both for your support; I know that God will have a position for me, I just need to listen to where he wants me to look.
A man of morals. Would you consider running for public office? We need a few like you to clean up Washington.
Good luck Cary. When you make the right decision, you’ve always got God watching your back. He’ll take care of you and the family. Relax and enjoy this minor intermission. That’s all it is!!
I have offered to run for President on many different forums; I have a straight-forward agenda that I think is pretty clear from what I have posted here and elsewhere.
I also have most of my cabinet picked out – and a few new positions that I think this country needs. How does the title “National Mom” fit, Mary? Your duties would be to hold parents accountable for raising their kids, and other areas as deemed necessary.
My prayers are with ya cary.
And from the looks of your pics, you do great work!
A great carpenter is hard to come by sometimes.
I have seen alot of shoddy work.