The Media Is Fair And Balanced
December 5th, 2006 . by CaryIn 2000, during Jane Clayson’s interview on CBS with Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Clinton was asked about her favorite Christmas traditions while they were touring the White House’s Christmas decorations.
This year, Hannah Storm, on the CBS “Early Show” took the opportunity of another Christmas decoration tour to ask Laura Bush – about Iraq.
Gosh, I don’t see why anyone would say the media treats the Republicans any differently than the Democrats.
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The Mainstream Media is blind to the Liberal Left’s agenda. Every once in a while a reporter or journalist will get it right, but then they are black-balled for seemingly supporting the dreaded party of Bush.
Anonymous – “You Shall Not Pass!”
dvg – you are correct, much to the public’s loss of actual information. It would seem they are now being fed “groupthink” circa George Orwell’s 1984.
I see a moon bat blast crater in here…
Yeah I believe that way also Doug. I’ve seen a few good ones interviwed on c-span that have told it like it is and they too said something very similar.
What kills me is that the liberals don’t see the obviousness of what the msm is doing.
Kick in the eyes, anyone?
You got sift through the left-wing disinformation. There’s good stuff out there, though, just have to be smart!
Burkean Reflections
You are right, Donald – you must sift through the garbage to find the gems.
Thanks for stopping by!