The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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So – What’s New?

May 2nd, 2011 . by Cary

Seems the incumbent pResident has managed to find a way to up his “macho” score, on the eve of the start of the campaign season. No, the 2012 campaign – really, he’s still campaigning from 2008, so he needs to update the year references on his materials, but still …

Funny how bin Laden suddenly gets on the US radar, and we suddenly have clearance to send in a SEAL team to take him out.

Funny how the Pakis, who have been claiming to be our allies in this war kinetic action on terror manmade disasters, are very upset that ObL is dead. And, in the middle of one of their most popular towns. Ohmygoodness, was that who was living there? I thought he was in a cave in the mountains, far away from any Paki forces …

O’Blivious’ campaign speech – err, announcement to the country – that bin Laden was dead, seemed to place him in an awkward position – here is a symbol of the islamic leadership, dead, and a faithful follower of islam has to announce that ObL is dead.

Funny how, after all the insults and desecration of the American Fighting Man by this piece of pig bait we suddenly have to “follow islamic custom” and bury the pig within 24 hours …

Personally, I think he should have been wrapped in pig skins and dropped in a vat of bacon drippings. But, that’s just me. So much for islamic custom.

Finally, just because bin Laden has been executed doesn’t mean that al-kaida is no more – actually, there are many members of that force who would be willing to step in and lead them. Like the ancient Hydra, another head will show up. And there is no guarantee that the new leader will be more or less like the old leader.

I do know this: God is on His throne, and He will win in the end.

Chat ya later…


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2 Responses to “So – What’s New?”

  1. comment number 1 by: Larry

    I thought he should have been buried in a pig lot somewhere near Shanksville PA.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Now, ya see, that would be better. That way, the pigs get something out of this too.

    If he does get 72 virgins, I hope the best looking one of the lot looks like Helen Thomas.