The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Why Is Cary Cartter Running For President?

January 30th, 2007 . by Cary

I’ve gotten this question a couple of times, and I had thought that my previous posts were pretty specific. Since this topic covers more than one post, I figured I better recap for those just joining the discussion:

I believe that the United States of America is the greatest country on earth. We got that way not through unlimited military advance and conquer, but through a compassionate structuring of the right thing to do. We have never defeated a country and occupied it; we have always helped to rebuild that which was destroyed after the hostilities were finished. In all fairness, we’ve paid more money than what was required for the rebuilding.

I am not a politician. I am a working class guy, middle aged, and tired of the way the country is pandering to special interests and the loudest whiners. I have a wife and a brand new baby daughter. I believe that this country will not exist if no one stands up for it. I enjoy the freedoms and the rights that are bestowed upon me as a legal citizen of this country. I don’t believe that non-citizens should share those rights. I do not believe that the United States is the root of all evil in the world. I want my daughter to be able to grow up enjoying the same freedoms I have enjoyed, and I want to make sure that this country exists beyond the current decade.

The Global War On Terror: Guess what? If it’s going to be a war, then it needs to be fought like a war – without any restrictions of Politically Correct proportions. In a war, people are killed. Some of them may be innocent bystanders – but if they are standing by while those around them are fighting, they aren’t so innocent, are they? It is my belief that we can be out of Iraq and Afghanistan within a few weeks – if the Finest Fighting Force in the world is allowed to do it’s job. A job, by the way, that it can do quite well without civilian intervention. Civilian oversight is fine, until the boots hit the ground – then the civilians need to get out of the way and let the military do it’s job.

I’m going to call a spade a spade here: The “religion” of Islam is not about individual rights, it is about converting everyone to the same way of thinking. Those who do not convert are either killed outright or subjugated to second class citizenship. This is not a religion, this is a cult. It must be stopped, or at least not allowed to spread. I’m not going to get into a big discussion of Christianity vs. Islam – I would just like each person to consider this: In all of history, which religion preaches love, and which religion continues to use violence to gain converts? Which religion stopped being violent when it was obvious that violence turned people away form you, and which religion uses violence to this day? The majority of the followers of Islam are said to be peaceful; but I only know of one or two Muslims that speak out against the violence that has become synonymous with their name.

Career Politicians have ruined the two-party system. Once someone is elected to Congress, they tend to stay there. After a while, they have lost touch with their constituents (when was the last time your “representative” voted the way you would have?) and tend to do what’s best for their wallet instead of what’s best for the country. This should not be a career choice. Serving your country is your duty, not your vocation. Everyone should serve somehow – either through the military, through representing your neighbors, or through volunteer service to better your nation as a whole.

Pork barrel spending needs to come to a sudden and complete halt. If a local entity (town, city, county, state) thinks it needs a bridge built or a road repaved, then they need to generate the funds from their own taxbase. If a project is of national interest, then and only then should the government be spending any money on the project. Politicians who cater to the people who fund their campaigns are not serving the nation – they are serving their financial backers.

Voter Apathy – actually, I believe this is a myth perpetuated by the MainStream Media. I don’t think that Apathy is at work – the majority of the voters in this country really do care, they just feel as if they are being ignored. Voter Despair is more like it. The Career Politicians have raised “hearing the voters” to an art form – but they have lost the science of actually listening to what we are saying.

Taxes. Boy, talk about a touchy subject. The current system is broken. The more money you make, the more options you have of keeping that income away from the taxman. Either a flat tax or a national sales tax should replace the current income tax system. The National Sales Tax would be my choice, and it would be enacted without regard of resale status. By that I mean that all items, when sold, would be taxed at a national rate (on top of any applicable local taxes). If you are buying something to resell later, then you would need to collect tax at the next sales transaction also. This would generate more than enough revenue to keep the government running. There is never a time when no one is buying anything. Everyone, from the richest to the poorest in this country, buys items they need. The more money you have, the more items you buy – and the more taxes you pay. The less money you have, the fewer items you buy – and the less taxes you pay.

Big Government: I am a big fan of Ronald Reagan’s model – less governmental intrusion into the lives of the citizens. I believe that the less the government is involved in your life, the more you will be able to do with your life.

Political Correctness: This is just another way of crying to your Mommy that Johnny called you a name. Starting as soon as children are able to understand the concepts, they should be taught that there are winners and there are losers. Anytime two entities come together, one will leave the encounter with more than the other. This is true from a playground game of marbles to a discussion of your raise with your boss. If you teach a child that everyone is a winner, they will be sorely disappointed the first time they apply for a position that two hundred and fifty seven other applicants want. Along the same lines, no one is guaranteed an offense-less life. While we have the right to say or do anything that is not illegal, along with that right comes the responsibility to act in a civil manner. Act responsibly, be responsible for your actions. This includes how you raise your children and what kind of an example you set for them. Please do not confuse RIGHTS with PRIVILEGES. Without rights, you would have no privileges. Without privileges, you would be a slave.

Immigration: Another touchy subject. I’ve been letting my representatives know that allowing federal criminals (those who enter this country without the courtesy of checking in first) to remain here and “earn” their way to citizenship is not productive. My “representative” (his name rhymes with “pastor” – oh no, wait – that is his name) claims that allowing these criminals to reap the rewards of citizenship without penalty is the only way to allow them to really appreciate what they are being given. I say that’s like letting a car thief keep the car and not serve any time. Strict enforcement of the existing laws on legal employment will remove the incentive of cheap labor; increasing the penalties of business owners who allow illegals to be hired in the first place will remove the incentive of looking the other way. I figure a fine of $50,000.00 and one year in jail for the CEO for the first offense, with a ten percent increase for each violation after that should do the trick.

Welfare should be a hand up, not a hand out. For those unwilling to help themselves, there should not be a constant flow of money. For those not willing to contribute to society, there should not be incentive to continue failing. However, if you fall on hard times, society as a whole should be able to help you – and if you are needing help all the time, then see the first part of this paragraph.

Social Security: Simple rule, really – if you have not legally paid into the system, then you don’t collect. (I also have a simple revamp to ensure adequate funding for perpetuity – take members of Congress off their private retirement and put them on Social Security. Watch how fast they get their hands out of the cookie jar.) Either that, or return all monies paid in to the owners – and allow them to set up their own private retirement funds. If they don’t set up their own funds, then it’s their private loss, not a national problem. See “Welfare” above.

Now, as I said, I am not a politician. If there are any special interest groups out there who are feeling slighted because I have not attacked them, please let me know. I’m sure we can find an area where We the People would beg to differ in how you are doing your job.

This country was founded on equality – not “I’m equal to you” but “You are equal to me” – think about the subtle difference there. Not, “I lift myself to your station” but “I lift you to my station.”

One campaign promise I will hold to – if elected, I will only serve one term.

Almost forgot – ACLU, you would be number one on my hit parade. The public feeding trough would be shut down through legislation I would introduce – or have introduced. Any organization that holds one group’s “Freedom of Expression” to be more important than another group’s needs to have it’s doors closed.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


4 Responses to “Why Is Cary Cartter Running For President?”

  1. comment number 1 by: TexasFred

    Ya know, that platform is awesome, even if you don’t win this time around, you need to keep hammering, this nation NEEDS a ‘common sense’ President that’s nothing more than a ‘common man’, but one that’s capable of ‘un-common’ acts of patriotism, intelligence and guidence…

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Thank you, Fred – that means a lot, coming from you.

    Even if I don’t win, the main thrust here is to get the Career Politicians to start LISTENING to “We the People” and not just HEARING our voices in the background while they go about their business…

  3. comment number 3 by: Sues

    Great post Cary; well said. This should make it easy for all to see where you are coming from.

    Now, we just have to get the word out. Anybody out there have contacts in the media?

  4. comment number 4 by: cary

    The key to getting media coverage is getting enough people talking about the Common Sense Independent Write-in Candidate, Cary Cartter. Eventually, the media will wonder if they shoudln’t be asking who this guy is, too!