The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Minimum Wage

August 9th, 2007 . by Cary

Should we raise the minimum wage?

Legislation has been passed here in the state of Arizona to raise the state minimum wage.

Federally, they are considering the same thing.

I am not in favor of raising the minimum wage. People say that by raising the minimum wage, we are giving a “raise” to people who are working for minimum wage. I say we are enabling the people who are working for minimum wage to stay working for minimum wage.

Minimum wage, or entry level, positions are just that – entry level. If you are still working for minimum wage six months after you have started a job, then something needs to change. Your job, your employer, your drive – something.

Liberals are all for raising the minimum wage – it allows their main allies and bestest of friends, the illegal immigrants (invaders) to keep a low profile. If the minimum wage is not raised, and border laws are enforced, then perhaps the youth of the United States would be empowered to get that entry level position that an illegal has been camping in for the last five years. A combination of no increase and enforcement would drive the illegal invaders back where they came from, opening up a whole need for fresh recruits to fill the positions that “No American will do.” This vacuum of people to fill these positions would (gasp!) force some liberals to actually work hard labor for the first time in their lives, since they would no longer be needed to extol the virtues of having illegals do these jobs, and besides, how many doom-saying economists does this country need, anyway?

Once a young person of United States citizenry is hired at a minimum wage job, then reality kicks in rather quickly and they develop the motivation needed to further their station in life – which is, after all, the basis for fulfilling the American Dream.

Next week – I’ll chat about economics again – see if I can get another rise out of some book-bound economist who has never held a real job in their life.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support Warriors for Innocence, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


2 Responses to “Minimum Wage”

  1. comment number 1 by: Greybeard

    Couldn’t agree with you more, and I’ve also blogged about this.
    My solution:
    Get rid of illegal aliens and the wage for jobs will naturally rise because legals simply won’t work for peanuts.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Exactly, Greybeard – the old “supply and demand” that really will work if the outside influences are omitted. Like, liberals. And illegals.