The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


December 18th, 2007 . by Cary

TMBWitW is on vacation this week, which means that I can get some projects finished up since I won’t have MEG attached.

Or does it?

This is the week before Christmas, and TMBWitW also has projects and plans. So, we work out compromises.

For example, yesterday I had planned to pick up my new table saw (new to me, the guy selling it is moving to the mountains and he doesn’t have a shop … yet) and then go over to our friend’s house and get the above-ground pool that she is giving us. Our friend has sold her house and is moving, and she doesn’t have room for the pool at the new place, and since she got it for free she offered it to us, since she knows that Logan’s therapy (pool time – he loves to swim and it doesn’t hurt his legs) is a bit pricey, she offered us the pool. Only thing is I would need to dismantle it and move it.

First thing in the morning, I headed over to the church property to get the trailer, and then called the guy I was buying the saw from. He gave me directions, and it was only then that I realized it was about an hour away. Well, the price was really good, so I didn’t quibble about the drive. Once I got the saw home, I unloaded it into the garage “for now” and headed over to our friends house. The dismantling wasn’t so bad – with the exception of a few rusted or stripped screws, the parts are easy to reassemble. So, six hours later I was unloading the pool parts into the garage also.

Now all I have to do is move both purchases into the backyard. First, though, I have to clear a space for the pool. And then build a ramp for Logan to get up to the rim and into the pool. And build a shelter for the saw. Oh, yeah – and finish planting the trees.

Why am I sitting here telling you this? I gotta get going …

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

2 Responses to “Monday/Tuesday”

  1. comment number 1 by: The Loon

    It’s Dec. 19th! Why are you sitting ANYWHERE, let alone in front of a computer and posting? Hurry up before Santa arrives, Marine!

    But please don’t hurt yourself……or the trees.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    I’m a hurryin’!

    Besides, a friend of mine asked for a post about Christmas in Arizona…