The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Monday? *blink* *blink* Really?

February 11th, 2008 . by Cary

I have misplaced most of the weekend. Actually, I know where I was, I just don’t know what happened to the time. I’ve been fighting this cold, and Tylenol makes a really good medicine that knocks me out and lets my body heal on it’s own. So, I was sleeping most of the weekend. I go see the Doctor today. I sure hope he has something good for me.

While I shave, I have time to think about things. Mostly, I am concentrating on not slicing my own throat, but there are stretches where I am not near my throat, and I can think – and this weekend, due to all the sleeping being done in the name of physical health, I was thinking about Newton’s Law. You know, the one that says “A body at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force?” Well, I came up with Cary’s Theorem: A body, resting, attracts other bodies that want to rest, usually canine in form.

We have five dogs, and four of them are able to get on the bed under their own power. Logan has polyneuropathy, and is unable to jump up on the bed, but the rest sure like to join me when I’m trying to nap. And, when the smallest dog is 35 pounds, and the largest is 105, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for me. At night, we have to strictly enforce the two dog rule – only two dogs allowed, and then only at the foot of the bed. Otherwise, there’s no room for humans.

How was your weekend?

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2 Responses to “Monday? *blink* *blink* Really?”

  1. comment number 1 by: The Loon

    This winter sounds as though it has been very hard, health-wise, on all of the Cartters, but I’m so glad to hear you’re finally feeling better. You do have my deepest sympathy with any troubles with your sinuses, but being in Arizona should help.

    As for your dogs, I have only one wee suggestion: the floor. You’re a Marine, so it should feel just like being Active-Duty….LOL.

    Please take care.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    The dogs are – quite simply – spoiled. Rotten.

    I have slept on the floor, and the sofa, and the recliner – and gotten better sleep when I’m not fighting for leg room.

    Thanks for the sympathy – I appreciate it. And the helpful hints. Tonight – the dogs are sleeping on the floor.
