The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Tuesday Stuff

March 4th, 2008 . by Cary

Did your March come in like a lion? Ours did – wind was gusting up around 35 or so, it tried to fool us all by staying cool all weekend – so I’m pretty sure that it will be very pleasant around here for the next few months, until the heat sets back in.

(note to global warming idiots: it’s always hot in the summer around here, because it’s the desert. that’s what happens in the desert – it gets hot in the summer. go back to wishing you hadn’t mailed out the ‘polar bears are dying from lack of ice’ whiney flyer that arrived after news of the thickest polar ice cap in years being formed has reached most people.)

This is also the time of year when people in cooler areas of the country (anywhere there is snow, for example) start thinking about the fact that the bowl games, and, more recently, the Super Bowl, were played here, and the weather didn’t suck. The FBR Open showed green fairways and fans wearing shirtsleeves with frosty beers in their hands. In a few weeks PIR will be the center of NASCAR’s universe, and again, fans will be shown in shirtsleeves and shorts, while the rest of the country is still thawing out. These people in the cooler areas of the country are processing all these scenes of joyful nice weather gatherings, and calculating how much it would cost to move out here.

I have one request to make of those of you considering such a move: give me a call in July, or August, and arrange to come out and spend the week. I can’t guarantee a good time, because I won’t be leaving the house unless absolutely necessary, and even then only in the early mornings hours before the sun comes up. Are you kidding? I don’t go outside after 110 on the thermometer, unless it’s for really, really, really cheap golf rates – and even then, only with enough ice and water to make a penguin uncomfortable. Now, think about this: those days are, more often than not, found in groups of 100 or more. Yes, more than 100 days over 110 more often than not. That means that for a third of the year, you never leave the house.

It just dawned on me that you have that issue now – only because you are snowed in and CAN’T leave the house for over a third of the year. Huh. Just blew my own argument out of the water. How’s that for talented?

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

2 Responses to “Tuesday Stuff”

  1. comment number 1 by: ablur

    You can come visit me. It never gets too hot or too cold. We rarely get down to the teens and rarely break 100.

    The fog is in for the night but it will be another great day tomorrow.

    The politics suck in the NW. Liberal tree hugging socialists every where.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    I’ve spent time in Oregon – Corvallis area, specifically – and you are right on all counts.

    I’ve always thought the libbers up there were kind of hostile – but it might have been the bumper sticker that asked “Why Does My Chicken Taste Like Spotted Owl?”