The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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I Hate to Criticize, But…

November 10th, 2005 . by Cary

Check this out – and I hate to criticize, but this really is not the way to get your point across. Yes, you have a big beef with the USA. Yes, the USA is fighting you on your turf. No, you may not take it out on civilians and claim the USA made you do it.

Do you get it yet? Has it dawned on you that the ideal we are fighting against does not care if you are directly involved in the fight or not, if you are in any way connected to the USA you are a legitimate target in their eyes? Yes, you, with the “Islam is a Religion of Peace” poster – has it occurred to you that the only peace they are interested in is their own?

There was a brief article in the paper today (I read the Arizona Republic, with large grains of salt) about how the elections on Tuesday have the Republicans “worried” and how they sent a “message” to the GOP. I will tell you this – it won’t matter if the next President is Republican, Democratic, or a third party; male or female – the fact that we have the freedom to elect our leaders is a major sticking point in the craw of the members of the “Religion of Peace.” Not that we can attack at will, but that we have dared to stand up to them. We have shown that we will not tolerate their intolerance. And that is unacceptable to them.

Those of you with the ability to read, understand, and digest facts should consider linking to Proteus at his web site and read back through his archives. His essays lay it out, point by point, very clearly.

The first link seems to have broken. It was a story that had on their front page. I guess the news just isn’t worth keeping straight. I apologize for the inconvenience.

One Response to “I Hate to Criticize, But…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jeff

    Nothing having to do with decency, morality, righteousness, etc. has dawned on them. Their god is the devil, and only Christ can lead them to see the evil of their ways and the beauty of the true God.