The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Pardon the Dust

November 18th, 2005 . by Cary

That is, the dust over to the left. I’ve been going through my links, and there is a slight discrepency happening – some of the blogs I’ve linked to have gone cold, while some blogs that I read daily aren’t listed here.

I know why that is.

I have family and friends who visit here (hi, to both of you!) and the last thing I want to do is link them to some blogger who thinks nothing of dropping the occasional “F” bomb. See, most of my friends, and my immediate family, and the friends who are closer than family, are members of the church I attend.

They think I am fully conservative.

Heh heh.

Actually, I am able to read a blog and if there is language in it that cannot/should not be used in church on a regular basis, I “fog” over it. I know it’s there, I know where it is, I usually know what it means; I just put a mental blinder on myself so I don’t look at it and directly acknowledge its presence.

Like a zit.

Anyway – I am going to change some headings over there. First will be Family Ties, which will be G-rated blogs, usually Christian themed, and very easy to be dropped from with the first siting of a word that I would deem offensive to my wife.

Second will be Real Mature, where you will probably not be surprised to see the occasional cuss word; the keyword here is *occasional*. At a preset level, you will find that link moved.

Third will be Open Season, where you will find words with offensive connotations. Fair warning: Thar be curse words ahead. *pirate off* You will not find Andrew Dice Clay here, or even Lenny Bruce or George Carlin. The links that land here are on double secret probation, and will be likely to be moved off completely if I receive complaints.

Not that anyone really reads what I am writing; I guess most of this is for my own amusement, based on the lack of comments.

So – now you know where to go, and, if you are the owner of one of the links, where you fit in my little corner.

And, please – visit the links. I’ve e-mailed those who are there; they are real people. They may not want you to know who they are, but they are real.

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