The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

My "Curse"

January 5th, 2006 . by Cary

It seems that there are different types of blogs on the net.

Some are very active, “this is the only thing I do all day” blogs, where the content is always fresh – to the point of being updated every time you click on the refresh button. One example of this is Little Green Footballs, link is on the left column.

Some are kind of active, being updated two or three times a week, such as the BLOG or Waiter Rant.

Some, like mine, get updated when time and material mesh and a new entry is keyed in.

Some get listed on my blog and never update again. I am sure that if you have explored my links you have discovered which ones these are. This is my curse. I find a blog that I am interested in, and it seems that is a better than 50% chance that the author will fall off the earth right after I list them.

What should I do with links to blogs that don’t seem to update? Should I try to track down the owner and see if there is a next of kin? Should I simply de-list them? Or should I keep them linked, in the hopes that they will eventually update? I know – I could market and sell this as a service – want someone to disappear? Let me know what there link is – I will list it, and there’s a good chance they won’t ever be heard from again… (this probably won’t work on Liberal blogs; they mostly seem to be the “I don’t have any other life activities” types of blogs)

Speaking of links – if you link to my blog, would you please drop me a line, so I can be sure I am returning the favor? That is, if you want to take the chance…

Here’s hoping your Christmas was reverant, your New Year is starting out Happy, and all in all you are doing well.

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