The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A Letter to my Daughter

January 24th, 2006 . by Cary

*Note: I call her my daughter, she calls me Dad, I raised her for twelve years, but bottom line is that biologically she is not mine. Only in the heart, where the connection is tighter than blood.

Dear C:

I can’t begin to express how proud I am of you, and how happy I am that you have found M. He is a good, Christian man, with a sense of his Godly purpose, and just by looking at the two of you anyone can tell how much love is already there.

TMBWitW tells me that you had told her at Christmas that you wanted me to walk you down the aisle. I am honored. I am blessed to have a daughter such as you.

This started out as a note to you, before TMBWitW told me your decision, to tell you that your wedding day is YOUR day – not for anyone else, not for making others feel good, but to make a memory that you and M will share forever and ever. In that vein, I would have supported whatever decision you had made. Not because I am selfless, but because my love for you outweighs my selfishness and I want you to have the best day possible. That includes being happy with whoever walks you down the aisle.

I may not have been a perfect dad, since I was learning as I went, but I think you and your sister both turned out all right. Just remember that no matter what happens in your life, He already knew about it, and wants you to learn from it, to grow, and to move forward with the lessons. Never go back, never hold a regret, always live to the future.

May God bless your every day, may He shower blessings on your marriage, may He be always in the center of your life.

I love you.

Cary the Dad

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