The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Recycled Friday Post

August 18th, 2006 . by Cary

You know what that means:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Go here and tell Sue I sent you. While you are at it, grab the logo above and freely spread it around while pointing people to the web site.

Thank you, God bless, and Thank You to our troops!

I’m sorry, but I’ve been moving gravel all day and I am tired. I will try to post more interesting stuff, but with the limited access at work now I don’t have the option of posting at break or at lunch anymore. I’ve got more gravel to move tomorrow, but this evening I am going to dinner with friends and TMBWitW and then we are going to see Phillips, Craig, and Dean in concert. With Mark Schultz. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

What a Workout!

August 14th, 2006 . by Cary

I am going to leave the political aspirations of certain ill-bred whiny women out of this post. I’ll leave that to people who have more time and desire to commit to tracking those sorts of things, like the Old Ranter.

Me? I’m into the whole “home improvement” thing – you’ve seen pictures, right? – and this last weekend was no exception.

TMBWitW has decided that the landscape bark didn’t really fit what she had envisioned – so it’s now composting at the new church property, waiting for the right moment to be used over there. Instead, we are now installing “fish-eye” gravel in most of the backyard. There will also be a patch of grass, with any luck; and a sandbox and playhouse for TMBLGitW when she shows up. OK, I know, I don’t have to have the playhouse built quite yet, but I am a project oriented type of guy…

So – do you know how many trips with a wheelbarraow you need to move three tons of 3/8 gravel from the street to the backyard? I quit counting at twenty five – and they weren’t light loads, either. Every muscle in my body was screaming at me yesterday morning; today wasn’t much better. I’ll be doing this again, with a ten ton load, in the near future. Someone miscalculated the area to be covered, by a factor of three, and how deep, by a factor of 2, so the first load wasn’t nearly enough. I’ll have to fire my project manager or hire a quality control inspector. Anyone willing to help me out next time? Drop me an e-mail…

Some serious news – TMBWitW’s mother had a stroke last week, and is still in the hospital. Any prayers anyone would care to offer for the grace of God to be with Grace as she recovers would be appreciated.

I am co-teaching a small group on Thursdays, and we are going through a wonderful series found at the Boston Christian Bible Study Resource web site. Drop me a line if you would like to study along, I will let you know what we are covering each week.

There has been a change of policy at my work regarding Internet access – it is now only for work related purposes, including break and lunch time. That means I’ll start getting caught up on my reading, but I’m going to fall behind on my surfing. If I don’t visit your site for a while, I have not forgotten about you – I just haven’t made it there.

I appreciate every single one of my readers; I treasure those of you who stop by even if it’s only once, and I cannot place a value on those who are regular readers here. I love all of you, and pray God’s blessings on your lives and in your everyday walk. Yearn to grow closer to Him, and know that you were made to worship Him.

God bless, and take care.

It’s Friday!

August 10th, 2006 . by Cary

You know what that means:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Go here and tell Sue I sent you. While you are at it, grab the logo above and freely spread it around while pointing people to the web site.

Thank you, God bless, and Thank You to our troops!

Latest From Grassfire

August 9th, 2006 . by Cary

Now, this is ridiculous. They should have received medals; the illegal drug-smuggling scum should have been shot. Accidently, of course.

+ + + + + +


Two U.S. Border Patrol Agents have been found guilty, and now face prison terms of upwards of 20 years for doing their jobs–apprehending an illegal alien at our border!

Even more outrageous, this illegal alien is suing the U.S. for $5 million for violating his civil rights!

I have just signed a petition calling for the President to pardon these two Border Agents and I’m asking you to join with me by clicking here for the full story and the petition:

Border Agents


+ + + + + +

The people at Grassfire will ask for your name and address – if that spooks you out, don’t worry – they already know where you live. What they probably don’t know is how well armed you are…

The administration is trying it’s level best to screw everything up at once – hobbles on the military, insisting on fighting a “limited” engagement; hobbles on the Border Patrol – can’t arrest drug smuggling illegals; and trying to promote peace in the middle east when hizb’ollah, al-queda, and islamofacists still exist.

It’s time to take the gloves off – tell Israel that we have her back, tell the in-theatre commander that he has full discretion to solve the problem short of nuclear solutions, and kick Mexico’s butt. Yes, I said Mexico. The National Guard could probably have a five mile DMZ arranged in about a week – that is, the first five miles south of the border. If anyone is seen in the area, they will be shot. We need to start protecting our sovereign borders. If Mexico doesn’t like it, tell them it’s time to get their act together and quit encouraging their citizens to funnel north. Any one coming into this country (through legal channels, of course) is held in quarantine (just like the good old days) until their background check comes back. Clean? Welcome to America. Not clean? Line ’em up and execute them for spies. I’ll bet that would slow the flow real quick. No, it’s not constitutional – but then, they arent’ under the protection the rest of us legal citizens are, now are they?

Just For Forneus

August 8th, 2006 . by Cary

(OK, the rest of you can read it too…)

I had been working on an essay-length answer for many of your questions, Forneus. I even tried to work on it this weekend, but alas, life once again rears it’s head and I have to live it while it is here. No sense delaying that project.

Then, I ran across this at Snopes. It pretty much sums up what I was trying to say, but it says it from the vantage point of someone who lived through it.

I hope this clarifies why I believe the way I do about the mess in the Middle East, where the aggression is coming from, and what it will take for a lasting cease fire to be accomplished.

God bless you all, and I hope this helps you, Forneus.

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