What an appropriate day for this story. A few choice quotes:
“If the United States had a system like ours, we wouldn’t have so many problems here in Mexico,” Agustin Villordo, 27, of Puebla, Mexico, said Tuesday as he shopped for a hunting rifle.
Bzzt! Wrong answer! Thank you for playing, we have many nice parting gifts for you. The opposite is true – if Mexico had laws like the US, ya’ll wouldn’t have the problems you are having – every citizen would be able to defend themselves, and the cartels would be foolish to attack ANYONE not knowing whether or not they were armed!
“It is necessary to reduce the sale of weapons, particularly of high-power weapons, in the United States,” President Felipe Calderón said during a visit to Britain on Monday.
Bzzt! Wrong answer! Thank you for playing, we have many nice parting gifts for you. The opposite is true – if Mexico would allow the sales of high-powered weapons (read: anything stronger than a rubber band), ya’ll wouldn’t have the problems you are having – every citizen would be able to defend themselves, and the cartels would be foolish to attack ANYONE not knowing how well armed they were!
“Mexico has very strict gun laws, which clearly have done nothing to prevent criminals and drug cartels from obtaining firearms, and it’s left many of the honest residents of Mexico defenseless,” said Chris Cox, chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.
“I don’t think anybody could argue that Mexico’s gun-control laws have been an effective crime-fighting tool.”
Except, of course, for the leftist defeatists quoted above you, Chris – people who have no idea what it means or takes to keep a citizenry free of oppression and fear.
No, folks – it isn’t an April Fool’s joke. Obama really does want to take away our second amendment rights. After all, he pretty much has the press sewn up and they have, by default, abandoned the first amendment. They only print what TEH ONE wants us to know.
Here’s something I want YOU to know and to never forget (courtesy of Texas Fred):
Courtesy of Shootist’s Scribblings comes this reminder:
I’d like to add to the fool’s lineup:
Chat ya later…
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1389 and a wake-up!