The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Late Monday

May 18th, 2009 . by Cary

I am currently as red as a lobster. I worked outside today, building the ramada for the church fellowship area. I didn’t take pictures yet, so that will have to wait, but we got it up and in 107° weather to boot.

Before I went over to the church this morning, I participated in one of my “thought filled” exercises. There are two – shaving, with my straight razor (when I have the time) and picking up dog doo. I have the stubble to prove it wasn’t the first one.

Now, I am hot, tired, and my body hurts. I’m going to bed.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Weekend’s Over – Keep Working!

May 11th, 2009 . by Cary

The back-to-back 24 hour shifts driving cab can be tiring. I pretty much lose Sunday afternoon completely, what with laying down to take a nap after church and not getting up until well after supper time…

This morning I’m headed back over to the church – we’re in the home stretch now. The flooring is finished (see the picture below for a bad shot of the stage – I took it Sunday morning, with only one eye open) and now there is just baseboard to do. That should get accomplished today. If you click on the picture and zoom in, you will see a piece of the baseboard laying across the stage:

Stage is Finished!

Well, it’s off to get the morning stuff done before MEG wakes up (again!) and we head over to the church.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Busiest Unemployed Man Ever

May 4th, 2009 . by Cary

For being without a for-real, honest-to-goodness job, I sure seem to be busy.

Friday and Saturday I drove cab (two twenty-four hour shifts), Sunday morning was church, and I caught a three-hour nap on Sunday afternoon. That pretty much wiped out the weekend. This morning, I have a chiropractor appointment (Hi, Dr. Powell!) and then it’s back over to the church – time for the flooring in the new “gameroom.” I know, I promised pictures of the light fixtures (I only helped hang two of the five; two Fridays ago a crew hung the rest and this last Friday some more volunteers hung the blinds and started the flooring), but I’ve been a bit busy. At any rate, I will get pictures up soon covering the latest developments in the “gameroom.”

Gotta get going now – MEG needs to get up and get dressed (she woke up earlier, but wasn’t ready to get up, if you know what I mean) and then we will be running for the day.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

How Was Your Weekend?

April 6th, 2009 . by Cary

Mine was pretty good – drove cab Friday (24 hour shift, with breaks) and then Saturday morning after a few hours sleep we were going to go up to Kingman to visit the cousins. Unfortunately, TMBWitW developed a nasty migraine on the way, and we didn’t even make it to Wickenburg before turning around and heading home again.

It’s OK though – she got some sleep and took some migraine meds and was MUCH better by Saturday evening. The cousins are coming down on the 25th, so we’ll still get to see them.

I went over to check out an opportunity with a delivery company as an independent contractor this morning; we’ll see how that turns out.

Now, I’m going to cruise through my blog list and leave comments here and there; I suggest you do the same. I’m also going to be spending time with MEG in between blogs. Hope you have a good week!

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

1385 and a wake up!

Hat Tips Galore

March 16th, 2009 . by Cary

Today brings a lot of information. It might overwhelm some of you, so strap in and hang on:

From Texas Fred comes this first piece. Chief justice publicly accepts WND’s eligibility petition reports on how Chief Justice John Roberts has accepted the challenge of Orly Taitz to read the challenge of Barack Hussein Obama’s citizenship. Full story is here. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I will not believe that Obama is a natural born citizen until he quits blocking efforts to prove otherwise. I’m pretty sure McCain, Bush, Clinton, Bush the Elder, and so on back to Washington would not have had an issue with this basic question: Where were you born?

From Gawfer, via e-mail, comes this piece written by Star Parker:

Back on Uncle Sam’s plantation
Star Parker – Syndicated Columnist


Six years ago I wrote a book called Uncle Sam’s Plantation. I wrote the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it.

I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas — a poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism.

I talked about government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing, and Food Stamps.

A vast sea of perhaps well-intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960s, that were going to lift the nation’s poor out of poverty.

A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from “How do I take care of myself?” to “What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?”

Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems — the kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others.

The legacy of American socialism is our blighted inner cities, dysfunctional inner city schools, and broken black families.

Through God’s grace, I found my way out. It was then that I understood what freedom meant and how great this country is.

I had the privilege of working on welfare reform in 1996, passed by a Republican Congress and signed 50 percent.

I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of our poor black communities and replacing it with wealth-producing American capitalism.

But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction.

Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich American on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism..

Uncle Sam has welcomed our banks onto the plantation and they have said, “Thank you, Suh.”

Now, instead of thinking about what creative things need to be done to serve customers, they are thinking about what they have to tell Massah in order to get their cash.

There is some kind of irony that this is all happening under our first black president on the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.

Worse, socialism seems to be the element of our new young president. And maybe even more troubling, our corporate executives seem happy to move onto the plantation.

In an op-ed on the opinion page of the Washington Post, Mr. Obama is clear that the goal of his trillion dollar spending plan is much more than short term economic stimulus.

“This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending — it’s a strategy for America ‘s long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, healthcare, and education.”

Perhaps more incredibly, Obama seems to think that government taking over an economy is a new idea. Or that massive growth in government can take place “with unprecedented transparency and accountability.”

Yes, sir, we heard it from Jimmy Carter when he created the Department of Energy, the SynfuelsCorporation, and the Department of Education.

Or how about the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 — The War on Poverty — which President Johnson said “…does not merely expand old programs or improve what is already being done. It charts a new course. It strikes at the causes, not just the consequences of poverty.”

Trillions of dollars later, black poverty is the same. But black families are not, with triple the incidence of single-parent homes and out-of-wedlock births.

It’s not complicated. Americans can accept Barack Obama’s invitation to move onto the plantation. Or they can choose personal responsibility and freedom.

Does anyone really need to think about what the choice should be?

Last, we will go back to Texas Fred and read about the Oath Takers that will not allow the current administration to enact socialist measures against We, the People.

Quick note – BlogRolling is back up (for now!) but has added an annoying ad banner across the top of the links if you don’t pay the ransom to remove it. I am still looking for a truly free blog listing service. My BlogRoll is on the page “All BlogRolls Here” but I will not remove my sidebar blog list until/unless I find that truly free service.

In the meantime, I have added a few and removed a few. Enjoy!

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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