The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Rare Wednesday Post

May 28th, 2008 . by Cary

As you may or may not remember, Wednesday is usually a day of rest from the blog. Today is one of those rare days when TMBWitW is working not from home but in her office in The Dark Tower today (end of an accounting cycle, you know) and I get to play on the computer until MEG wakes up.

First thing out the gate on this auspicious occasion? Gawfer opens up a can and shares a video that he got from Jake. The video has some very good information and connecting of the dots in regards to a certain young presidential candidate (notice the use of the word “young” – that rules out McSame and Clintoon) and should, in my opinion, be required viewing for anyone who thinks this dude is some sort of political messiah.

Video available here.

Second – sometimes, Windows drives me crazy. I try to get logged on and get going on the computer before MEG wakes up, and something needs to be updated. Or, something needs to be restarted. Or, something has magically uninstalled itself and needs attention. Que sera.

When MEG does wake up, she will wander into the office at some time, point to the monitor, and say “Wha wha?”

No, she’s not asking for water. She is asking for this. TMBWitW accidentally showed this to MEG one day while trying to find a certain Dalmatian game on Now, it’s all MEG wants to see on the computer. Never mind some of us actually do other things with the computer…

I hear MEG now, so that’s my cue. Have a good hump day, ya’ll.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

The Best Thing Ever

May 18th, 2008 . by Cary

First, hop over to Texas Fred’s to answer a few questions. My reply, in part, was thus:

We need leaders who are not afraid of enforcing OUR laws on OUR land. Kowtowing to the vocal minority is what got us to where we are.

The list of conservatives who are qualified to lead this country where it needs to go is short; the list of those qualified and willing even shorter. Certainly, none of the “presumptive” candidates for either of the major parties is going to get the job done when it comes to maintaining the sovereignty of the United States. I certainly don’t know who I am going to vote for. The “candidates” decry the “single issue voter” but fail to realize that this one issue drives 75% of the rest of the issues we as a nation are facing today.

I do, however, know this: You will never find out how well armed I am or how well trained my dogs are unless you stop by the house personally. I would suggest you call first if it’s meant to be a friendly visit.

Leave a comment there to let him know how you answered.

If you recall, last Saturday was not a good day for The Most Beautiful Woman in the World. Her Camry was rear-ended by a lady* who, it turns out, was not insured. In fact, presented an insurance card to the highway patrol officer (DPS) that she knew was not only expired (in January) but had not been valid since she cancelled her insurance in November of 2007. At this point in time, I would like to say that so far, our insurance company has been very good to work with. MetLife, you have my thanks for the way you have handled this claim. On my way to either pick up TMBWitW and MEG and the Momma from the accident site or to make sure they were able to get going under their own power, the air conditioning in the Road Rhino (aka the QX4) died a horrible death. (in unrelated news, we had our first 100° day today) With TMBWitW driving a rental, and the Rhino being repaired by an A/C specialist, flexibility was strained.

Transportation issues (and the patience of MEG) were put to the test today. You see, my lovely wife, the Bride of the Century, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, participated in her commencement exercises today. The degree of Bachelor of Science, Accounting, was bestowed upon her. This simple action required us (due to a lack of a second vehicle) to arrive at the graduation ceremony site by 1100 hours for the Graduate to take part in the group pictures (Accounting class, Golden Key International Honor Society group) and then wait for the ceremony to begin. There were several other group photos to be taken, but she was not involved in them; this was a typical “hurry up and wait” scenario. MEG and I, meanwhile, got to wander around the grounds of the MArriot where the ceremony was scheduled. Since we left the house about 0930, and MEG’s first nap time is usually around 1000, someone was not in the mood to cooperate very much, although she was a real trooper and didn’t fuss. The ceremony started promptly at 1300, which is about an hour prior to someone’s second nap time, and concluded about 1530. Still, no fussing, and a minimal amount of squirming. I tell you, God has blessed me twice in this lifetime – first, with the wife I didn’t deserve, and then with a daughter that is so darned cute AND loving AND patient with all this adult silly business. We were joined by family and friends, and we all had a good time, with the majority of the group convening to the nearest Islands restaurant for dinner.

Did I mention how proud I am of my wife?

She has worked so hard to get to this point. She is now a degreed accountant, instead of just trained – she has book knowledge and a piece of lambskin to back up what she knows!

Woo HOO!

Honey, if you are reading this, I just want you (and the rest of the blogging community) to know how darned PROUD of you I am. I can’t say enough about you, and even when I do run on at the mouth I can’t cover it all. People think I’m gushing, but I”m barely getting started.

TMBWitW BS/A, you rock.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

*The use of the word “lady” in this instance is a capitulation to the fact that the driver was a female. My testimony prevents me from describing the illegal immigrant other driver in any other term, no matter how accurate that alternate description would be.

Red Friday

May 16th, 2008 . by Cary

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Remember I am off today (well, the argument may be that I’m always off, I’m just not around today) and there is no BlogTalkRadio show. TMBWitW and I are enjoying some family time with MEG and just hanging out together. We are all wearing red today to show our support for the troops. Are you?

I love this “delayed publication” feature!

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Tuesday Catch-up

May 13th, 2008 . by Cary

So – how do you like that header image?

I really like it. Thanks again to Mr. and Mrs. Bushwack.

I woke up this morning to a wonderful smell – moisture on a desert wind. I opened up the house a bit, and the temperature inside dropped from the overnight 78° to about 71° in less than a half hour. The wind is blowing pretty good, and it’s so darn pleasant that I might just turn this thing off and go sit on the patio.

Well, I just sat here and thought about it. I’m going to do that.

Saturday afternoon, TMBWitW was rear-ended on the freeway. Seems her lane of traffic was slowing, so she slowed, but the person on the cellphone in the vehicle behind her was too absorbed in the conversation. Knocked TMBWitW into the middle lane, and she did get the car back to the right lane and onto the shoulder; the person in vehicle 2 only hung up once the officer showed up. My wifes car (a 2005 Camry) has some rear-end damage. The S-10 Blazer could not be driven away. TMBWitW, MEG, and our Momma are OK, but there are some minor issues that need to be addressed. Turns out, also, that vehicle 2 did not have current insurance. So, along with everything else, we get to pay our deductible and watch as our insurance company tracks down and sues the pants off person 2.

Three guesses as to the ethnicity of the driver of vehicle 2. The first two don’t count. (hint: open borders suck)

I’m also taking a quick survey. Please put your answers in the comments section. Real fast, and I won’t bother you anymore. Two questions: What browser are you using? Does the text on this page appear to be left-justified, centered, or right-justified?

That’s it. (Update – never mind. It’s fixed now.)

One last thing: I’ll be “off the air” for a few days. TMBWitW is working from home tomorrow, and taking Thursday and Friday off (she graduates Sunday with her Bachelors in Accounting). This means no posts here until Monday, most likely, and no BlogTalkRadio show Friday. The regular schedule will resume on Monday.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Original Picture for the Header

Thursday in America

May 8th, 2008 . by Cary

I normally (well, most of the time) (OK, when I have time…) have a link fest and list my blog reads here along with their latest posts; since tomorrow’s show is going to feature my regular reads, I figured I would just chat a bit today. (Be sure to call in and let me know YOUR regular reads at (347) 838-9573. Or, drop in the chatroom to – uhm, chat – or just sit back and lurk as a listener. that’s fine. don’t participate. i’ll just drone on and on and on by myself. no, really, it’s fine.)

Sorry, forgot to mention the show is at 0700 Mountain Standard Time. No, we don’t do Daylight Savings. Yes, I’m on the same time as Pacific right now. No, I don’t know when it changes back. I don’t care. Remember? we don’t do it, so why keep track of it? Just go and sign up as a member of blogtalkradio, add me as a favorite, and you will get customized notice of when the show is, with YOUR time on it. Now, back to the regular column, which I so rudely interrupted:

Today TMBWitW was going to take the day off. Yesterday MEG started to run a slight fever and recycle everything that went in. Sure wish I had know about the recycling decision BEFORE I gave her the fruit snacks, but there you have it. In light of the recycling effort and TMBWitW’s quick trip to the urgent care center last night while I was at church, she decided to take today as a sick day instead.

(They are both napping right now, which is the only reason I am posting. Shhh. Don’t wake them up.)

Since it’s Thursday, I need to go out and bring the cans back in from the curb. I also need to sweep up the latest conglomeration of pet hair that is gathering in the corners. Oh, and if you all happen to see my black cat, Captain Midnight (he’s got tags and a chip) out and about, please tell him to stay out of the street and go home. No, he doesn’t normally go out. He’s an inside cat, like all the rest. While I was helping Logan get out this morning, Captain slipped out the door and was up and over the wall before I could get Logan situated and chase after Captain. What a stupid cat. I love him dearly, but if he runs off, I will never know what happened to him.

Remember to tune in tomorrow. I’ll talk to you then.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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