Well, it didn’t take very long for yesterday’s e-mail to Mayor Richard Ward to bring out hizzoner’s best: (please note that I’ve altered the e-mail addresses for anti-spam reasons)
from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 07:58
subject Re: MAIG – again!
mailed-by charter.net
hide details 07:58 (2 hours ago)
Damn, Cary, you made me kinda sorry I named my son after you. (the Cary part)
You ask me what we have accomplished. I think my personal big accomplishment has been to make many folks better understand what my goals are. Simply stated that is to make Hurst a safer place to live.
Also, MAIG is now up to about 550 members even though the NRA scared about 50 away. It is a very long and hard battle to get things moving with the Washington crowd. That is a far cry from the four million (if that is a true figure) members of the NRA. But…we have certainly not introduced nor tried to introduce any legislation that would prevent you being able to buy any gun that you need to buy to serve you on a daily or lifetime basis.
I wish you would take the time to ask the NRA to send you a financial statement and the number of members they have. I promise you will never get it. This is the most secretive bunch you will ever encounter. MAIG list all of their members regularly and invites your questions.
So… I am going to sign off one more time with my best wishes to you and yours for a great 2010.
Richard Ward
That’s quite the claim – making Hurst a safer place to live. Almost like the appearance of MAIG has magically rendered Hurst, Texas immune to the problems of the rest of the world. Wait, there’s more:
from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 07:59
subject Re: MAIG – again!
mailed-by charter.net
hide details 07:59 (2 hours ago)
By the way, am I the two bit Mayor you are talking about? 🙂
… and isn’t he so cute and clueless? Wait wait wait – one more, and then my reply, OK?
from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 08:01
subject Re: MAIG – again!
mailed-by charter.net
hide details 08:01 (2 hours ago)
And one more thing, where do you live? I know it is not Hurst. See, another secret.
Show of hands, please – how many of you have heard me refer to my home as Glendale, Arizona? Thank you. My reply:
from Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
to Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 10:51
subject Re: MAIG – again!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 10:51 (6 minutes ago)
Why are you sorry you named your son Cary? Does he have the same habit of asking you questions you won’t answer?
I don’t give a rip about the NRA – believe it or not, I don’t belong to that organization. My question to you is, and remains, WHY DOES MAIG EXIST?
Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Are there folks out there on the legal side of the coin who are FOR illegal guns? That would be news to me.
How has MAIG made Hurst, Texas a safer place to live? Has it REMOVED guns from criminals hands? Nope – because criminals don’t answer pesky questionnaires and reply to official inquiries, and they certainly don’t let people tell them not to break the law. They are criminals, after all.
Thank you for the best wishes. I would like to extend the same to you and yours.
Yes, you are the two-bit mayor I referred to.
While where I live remains inconsequential to this conversation, I make no secret of where I live; I mention Glendale, Arizona quite often while blogging and on on my internet radio show.
Still waiting to find out why you belong to an illogical organization.
Cary Cartter
Let’s recap. shall we? Mayor Ward of Hurst Texas (the only mayor in Texas to join Mayors Against Illegal Guns) feels that he has made Hurst, Texas safer by simply joining an organization that is not logically needed – that is, a group of Law Enforcement Officials who are AGAINST criminals OWNING GUNS. This, in spite of the fact that there are numerous laws on the books in every state making it a crime to own a firearm obtained through other than legal means. However, these same mayors do not feel it is necessary to form an organization against illegal immigrants, or illegal prostitutes, or illegal left turns – all crimes, by their very nature, yet still not “sexy” enough to warrant vote-gathering headlines when they are railed against. By golly, claim you are against “illegal guns” and that makes headlines, doesn’t it? Because guns, by themselves, have committed so MANY crimes in recent years…
Be sure to tune in tonight for more fun and end-of-week-yet-first-of-the-year hilarity and friendship on The “O” Word at 2200 MST, coming to you live from Glendale, Arizona. But don’t tell anyone where I live – it’s a secret!
Chat ya later…
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