July 29th, 2009 . by CaryNormally speaking, I don’t delve into a lot of depth as far as politics are involved – and even more rare is a double post day. However, the subject of Socialized Medicine as the obamabots have envisioned it is scary, at the very least. I will be pointing you to a post by my blog friend Jo-Joe Politico a little later – ok, fine, follow the link I just gave you – but the first entry in his “recap” of the Bill That Is Too Big To Read sends chills down my spine:
The bill mandates that the government will audit the books of all employers that self insure!!
“…will audit the books of all employers that self insure…” !!! Since when, and exactly WHERE in the United States Constitution (you remember that little scrap of paper that delineates the duties of the federal government?) does it say that the GOVERNMENT is ALLOWED to stick it’s nose in PRIVATE BUSINESS?
Yes, I know, GM is now Government Motors – that doesn’t make it any more right or acceptable – and it sure points the way down the slippery slope that Obummer has decided to take this country. Giving the government the ability to audit the books means that they will see ALL of the financial information for that company. Now, how many businesses do you know that wants Big Brother able to second guess their every financial move?
By definition, I am not an “employer” since I am the only one who works for me, but it’s just one more step to say “all businesses” must conform…
Go, read the synopsis that Joe provides. Then, do as I will be doing, (even though my “representative” won’t listen to me) and send the list to your representative along with a very strongly worded letter suggesting he/she either vote against the HealthCare Scam or start looking for another job next election cycle.
Chat ya later…
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