Reality Check
November 27th, 2006 . by CaryI am going to be a new daddy in less than a month.
I realized this (or should I say, this point was driven home to me) whilst listening to KLOVE on the radio the other day and John Rivers, the morning host (with his lovely bride Sherri) said that it was thirty days until Christmas.
Thirty days. Now, it’s even less. And Christmas Day is the projected due date of the bundle of joy. Are you in the pool yet? Over 800 BlogMad credits are up for grabs…
Less than thirty days. Wow.
So, how was your Thanksgiving Holiday? TMBWitW and I spent the day at the house, with the exception of the church service. We had some turkey and mashed potatoes, stuffing and peas (with baby onions). Friday I went to my toy store (big blue sign, rhymes with Bowes) and picked up some 2x4s and three sheets of 3/4″ plywood. Since the room that used to have our “extra” stuff in it is now a baby room, we have had some boxes and what not stacked in the hallway. I built some shelves in what is now the hobby room (as opposed to train room – I gave up some much-needed real estate, since I do most of my model railroading on a club layout; I need less room for a shelf-type switching layout than the miniature empire I had planned) so that the hallway can be navigated by a certain person who is much larger than she was a few months ago. Saturday was spent cleaning the house. Sunday was spent visiting TMBWitW’s cousins in Kingman, and, since it would be the last trip up there for a while, we exchanged Christmas gifts. It was quite enjoyable, and not nearly as traumatic as certain trips up there have been.
Wow. Less than thirty days.
I have one more project in the baby room – a “knob board” – basically, a board, with knobs mounted on it, to hang clothes on. Pretty, frilly, special clothes, on pretty, frilly, special miniature hangers. I’ll get a picture of that one, it should be good.
I missed doing this last Friday, so maybe this will make up for it:
Go here. Order a shirt or two, and steal this picture. Plaster it all over the web. Please. Show your support for our troops!
Thank you, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!