I know, it’s been a while. So sue me.
Wait, I was just kidding.
Let’s look at today’s serving of “It’s The Law Except When It’s Not”, shall we? First, take a read over at Chicks On The Right.
The weepy left wants the laws to be not applied when someone is complying with said law. Michigan’s laws are such that a person who is licensed to carry concealed is allowed to carry a weapon on school campuses, even if the campus is posted as “Gun Free”. The dad successfully got the court to rule that he didn’t have to carry concealed, just as long as he is licensed to do so. The left doesn’t like this, and wants to send the school into a paroxysm of fear and lock down anytime a weapon is sighted. The left doesn’t want to follow the judge’s decision.
Unless, of course, it benefits them. Then you have to follow the judge’s decision.
Second entry today comes from the Washington Post.
Here we have a County Clerk in Kentucky who, instead of being forced to issue same-sex marriage licenses, stopped issuing licenses completely, straight or gay. A gay couple, instead of getting a state license from a different county, insists (read: made their feet go stompy and held their breath) they should be able to get a license form the county where they reside. The judge who heard the case decided that, indeed, you have to do what judges say, no matter what you personally feel. This is in violation of the Clerk’s First Amendment right.
To recap: You MUST do what judges rule to be correct, regardless of your personal feelings, unless the judge ruled against a closely held belief of the Left.
Chat ya later…
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