Mom Red Friday
February 17th, 2012 . by CaryTwo years ago. About 1710 hours.
As much as I didn’t like what you had to say sometimes, I still miss you, Mom.
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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!
Two years ago. About 1710 hours.
As much as I didn’t like what you had to say sometimes, I still miss you, Mom.
Chat ya later…
Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!
(shh – it’s my day off. tmbwitw and i are going to spend the day together – movie, lunch, that sort of thing – while meg is at auntie’s. i won’t be online or anything – because it’s time to be with themostbeautifulwomanintheworld.)
Chat ya later…
Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!
From the mailbag this morning:
I was eating lunch with a six year old and I asked her, “What is the 20th
of February?”
She said “President’s Day!”
She is a smart kid, so I asked her, “What does President’s Day mean?”
I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln etc.
She replied, “President’s Day is when President Obama steps out of the
White House, and if he sees his shadow we have one more year of
You know, it hurts when hot coffee spurts out your nose.
Thanks, Dave T. I owe you one.
Chat ya later…
Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!
Or, at least, a conflict of intelligence. And a profound lack thereof.
Remember a while back, when the Arizona State legislature, in a fit of common sense and support for the Second Amendment passed a law removing the need for a concealed carry permit in order to carry a weapon in a concealed manner? Yeah, gotta tell ya, the naysayers were right – there is blood running in the streets, everyone is shooting one another, and it’s just not safe to drive in the state of Arizona anymo- what? All that didn’t happen? But, the left, the liberals, and the main stream media all said that is exactly what would happen! So, it must have, right?
Uh, no.
The only discernible victim of this new law seems to be rhetoric. On the other hand, short term memory problems have blossomed in the legislature.
The powers that be have determined (SB 1474) that it should be legal for anyone who has a concealed-carry permit to actually be allowed to be armed anywhere they go – specifically, onto the former victim-rich environment known as college campuses.
Hmm, no concealed carry permits required in the state, and those who are allowed to carry concealed can now protect themselves in former victim-rich zones.
You know what this means, right?
There will be blood running in the streets, everyone will be shooting one another, and it’s just won’t safe to drive in the state of Arizona anymo- uh, never mind.
Chat ya later…
Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!
Sunday was a weird day for me – I woke up – if you can call feeling like a truck rolled over me twice while Tony Stewart was doing donuts on my head “waking up” – with stuffed sinuses and a major headache. Every muscle in my body hurt. TMBWitW got up and took care of the animals, and handed me some meds. I don’t really remember taking them, but I do remember the phone ringing and ringing and ringing thousands of years later. It was Papa, asking if we were OK – because we weren’t at the fellowship yet, and it was almost time to start the studies. I assured him, in what little voice I had, that TMBWitW and MEG were on their way and I would not be there. At least, that’s what I thought I said. I’m not sure if that’s what came out on his end of the phone.
The next time I woke up, TMBWitW was asking me if I was OK, and if I needed anything before she headed back over to Pastor’s house for the afternoon. She gave me another dose of something (oh, how trusting are we when we can’t hold a coherent thought?) and I fell back asleep for a while. I woke up again, just in time to watch the last quarter or so of the game.
At one point, I recall getting a Tweet from Texas Fred regarding the gullibility of some people – and of course, I had to call him. Good talking to you, Fred. We gotta do that more often.
Other than that, Sunday passed quietly and uneventfully. Well, for me, anyway.
Monday I was feeling much better.
Today great progress has been made. The chiropractor has been visited, dry cleaning has been picked up, and the appointment with the Eye, Nose, Throat doctor is on the agenda. Tinnitus is such a drag. It has gotten worse in the last four months, for whatever reason, to the point that without something in the background all I can hear is a constant static ringing loud enough to be distracting when it’s quiet and I’m trying to concentrate on something like reading.
On the up side, one of the insurance companies involved with my wife’s accident has sent a settlement check – but of course, they want to buy her off cheap. The repairs on the car may not be as cheap as they think. After all, they recommend used parts, and the car is not going to be rebuilt using used parts. My wife deserves better than that – since the parts being replaced weren’t used before the accident. We are insisting on OEM parts.
Chat ya later…
Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!