The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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What Kind of Tree?

December 7th, 2007 . by Cary

There has been a lot of flap going on in various organizations about Holiday Trees and Christmas Trees. Several Christian Watchdog Groups have exhorted there mailing lists to beware of this retailer or that retailer, depending on the use if the word “Christmas” in their ads. I will ask you one question, and let you decide the whole “Holiday Tree” or “Christmas Tree” issue for yourself: What holiday, during this time of year, uses a tree in it’s celebration?

Yes, this month Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Notice I didn’t say “birthday” of Jesus Christ. That exact date is not known. According to the clues in the Bible, the birth of Christ (the Lamb of God) occurred when all the animals were giving birth – in the springtime, generally – and not in the middle of the winter. (Remember, the Angels appeared to the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks? The flocks are not out in the wild during the winter, they are kept penned up at home then. In the springtime, the flocks would have been roaming in the fields.)

Another clue is the census, (Luke 2:1-3) for tax purposes – historically, the census took place in the early spring. With all the families gathering at their ancestral homes from far-flung outposts, the inns would have been full and all the relatives’ houses were probably full also. With a not-quite-wife (Luke 2:5) already pregnant, not too many of the relatives of Joseph would have wanted this scandal under their roofs as it were. So, in order to fulfill prophecy, (Psalm 132:11) Jesus was born among the lowest, so that He could be raised to the highest.

While I am bursting bubbles in Christmas Carols, remember the Magi? You know, the Wise Men that are always portrayed as following a star to present gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to a newborn child? Turns out they didn’t show up at the manger – let’s face it, would you want to hang out in a smelly barn, once you had been counted and had a child? “Let’s get packed up, Joseph – there’s a heck of a draft in here.” Joseph, Mary and their newborn son returned to Nazareth, where Joseph was a carpenter of some renown. In Matthew 2, the travels of the Magi are related, including a summons by King Herod to tell him when the star that they were following appeared. King Herod, in a show of false fealty, asked that they return to him and tell him where they find the child king. The Magi followed the star, and rejoiced when they came to the house where “they saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him.” Then they opened their gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh. (Matt 2:11) If Jesus was visited by the wise men as a baby, wouldn’t it have said the Magi showed up at the manger? In one of the most profound passages in the Bible, these wise men, once they found Jesus, did not return to the way they followed before. (this is a paraphrase. the wise men had been told by God in a dream that herod wanted to harm Jesus, so they returned to their homes by a different route.)

Now, back to the tree question – besides the attempt to popularize a Hannukah Bush, what other holiday at this time of year utilizes a tree? None. Only Christmas utilizes the tree that is associated with Christmas Lights, Christmas Decorations, and Christmas Gifts.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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