Texas Fred has an interesting story on his outpost of truth today…
You can check it out here.
Tell Fred that I sent you over.
This will be a nice opportunity to segue into another campaign post, won’t it?
I do not like Political Correctness. I do not like it, Sam I Am. PC has brought us such terms as “Visually Challenged” – heck, I’m visually challenged – without my glasses or contacts, I can’t see more than eight inches in front of my face. People who cannot see at all are – say it with me – blind.
Assigning a label to a condition is another way of discriminating against someone, while pretending to be nice about it. Calling someone “Developmentally Disabled” doesn’t change the fact that they have trouble doing everyday things, like tying their own shoes, combing their hair, or brushing their teeth. All it does is allow someone to ask for more money to “help” them.
I need a press secretary who would have sat in that meeting and said “Boys, like it or not, the bloggers are presenting the facts without pretense of a liberal or conservative slant. The right leaners will present their version, and the left leaners will present their version. America, as a whole, will read what is out there and come to an educated opinion. If the mainstream media cannot or will not either present the whole story without a bias, or at the very least admit their bias, the American Public is going to tell you to take a walk. Get your collective acts together.”
We, the People, need leadership in the Capitol who will hold people responsible for their actions. We also need leadership who will, in turn, be responsible for their own actions.
Please, help me out here. Get my name out there as a write-in candidate for President of the United States. No, I don’t stand a chance to get elected. But, if enough people are creating enough buzz about a “common Joe” that wants to show the Career Politicians that they need to shape up, then maybe, just maybe, they’ll get the message. If enough Career Politicians are not re-elected, no matter what party they represent (because let’s face it, they certainly don’t represent the American People any more, do they?) then the message will start getting out there that We the People are serious about taking our country back from the players and running it like it should be.
Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!
Tag: Write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008