Somtimes, in the early part of monsoon season here in the Phoenix area, if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. It’ll change.
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of the gigantor dust storm that hit us Tuesday evening – 50+ miles wide, over a mile high in spots – well, with that came a little bit of relief from the heat. We haven’t been over 110 since then, and this morning it’s downright chilly – the thermometer on my back porch says 87 right now – almost enough to make me put a sweater on![sarc=OFF]
At any rate, a little busy this morning – off to pick up a box of bags for the store, and then to Discount Tire to get a slow leak fixed on the Camry’s right front tire.
Yesterday, TMBWitW went in for an MRI of her wrist – she is seeing a specialist today to decipher the image – and since she had gone through an MRI before, with a particularly nasty set of migraines, she asked our regular doctor for a mild sedative so she could make it though the enclosed machine (an open machine would not have given the detailed image needed). She took both tabs, and fell asleep in the waiting area. And the prep area. And the Xray area, where the contrast dye was inserted. And in the wheelchair waiting to get into the MRI. And, of course, in the MRI itself, in the wheelchari on the way to the car, on the way home, and after I managed to get her into bed. She woke up for a bit after I came home from church, to eat a sandwich and drink a little soda, but she’s been asleep since then. Next time, she’s only taking one of the tabs.
Gotta book – things are starting to open up around here. Hope you have a great Thursday!
Chat ya later…
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