Ending The Racist Claims
September 1st, 2011 . by CarySo, like many in this post-racial world we live in, you have probably been called a racist for disagreeing with the policies and actions of a certain current pResident. Also like many in this post racial country we live in you are probably sick and tired of being called racist for disagreeing with actions – since when did actions become a race? Never fear – Bubba has posted the solution, with the inspiration of his evidently deeply thoughtful, freedom-loving, anthem-singing, allegiance-pledging, gun-toting, socialist-hating, moonbat-slappin’, troop-lovin’, right wing extremist and highly philosophical wife – the addition of letters in parentheses after Duh Won’s name, in order to clarify. Much like the muslims (and the dhimmi leftards who couldn’t see the forest for all the leaves that have fallen on them whilst standing at the edge of said forest waiting for someone to tell them what to see) who follow every utterance of mohammed with “(pbuh)” which they claim is “peace be upon him” but which we know as “piss be upon him”, from this point forward in order to appease the liberals, lefties, and other assorted brain dead media representatives, I will be referring to the pResident as Obama(THHO). That way, I cannot be called racist, since I am denigrating The Honky Half Only.
Bubba and wife, you two are doing a great service for us all. Thank you.
And a big tip of the hat to Bushwack for allowing me to find Bubba’s wisdom today.
Chat ya later…
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