Federal Law, Federal Inaction
August 12th, 2010 . by CaryI received this from an email acquaintance. I am really blessed by the detective’s response. (/sarcasm)
If anyone has any doubts about what these people think of us and our country, check out these pictures taken by an acquaintance of mine who went to the rally in Phoenix Saturday 7/31/10 in response to SB 1070. The illegals had written all over the AZ and US Flags, laid them on the ground, and were walking on them! (I don’t remember seeing this on any network or cable news programs.)
I shared these pics with my friend who is a Phoenix cop/detective. I asked him why nobody was punished for desecrating our flags, his response…..“In response to your question about the legality of Desecration of the American Flag, you are correct, this is illegal. However, it is a crime with the Federal Government. Meaning the Feds will have to prosecute for the crime and considering they will not prosecute for illegal trespassing into the Country, what makes you think they will prosecute anyone for spray painting and walking on an American flag?“
I don’t know about ya’ll, but this ticks me off. According to the Supreme Court, desecration of the United States Flag is a form of speech protected under the First Amendment. I have no problem with flag burners as long as they wrap themselves up in their work. How do you defend this type of action, without tearing the country apart? It may not be a Federal Crime (in a Fed full of criminals, who is defining federal crime anymore?) but it is an affront to all those who have served for this Great Country. If the Feds won’t do their jobs, then it’s time the Fed’s EMPLOYERS start doing it for them. We can start by promoting them all to the position of civilian! Remember in November!
Chat ya later…
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