The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A Constitution Confederation

December 16th, 2020 . by Cary

With all that has happened in the illegitimate results from the latest election, perhaps it’s time:

The Patriot Post

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Taxes, Education, and Vicious Circles

April 24th, 2018 . by Cary

Here in Arizona, we are about to reap what we have sown. By not spending money where it needed to be spent, we have teachers walking out on Thursday for an indeterminate amount of time. They are walking out becuase they are not being paid enough, there are not enough resources for their classrooms, and the promised funding voted on by the people of this state has been misdirected.

I am not going to take a side on this one. Yes, the teachers need resources to do their job. No, I have not voted for any bonds, ever, because living within your budget is a need, not a want.

However: by walking out, and forcing the schools to close, there is a storm brewing. Nowadays, due to leftist economic policies, you will find most families are required to have both parents working outside the home (when there are two parents – that’s another post, for another day) which means that unless they have free daycare lined up, one of the parents may be forced to take time off, or, if they can find daycare on such short notice, they will be adding to their expenses for this time period.

One less person working, or more outgo than income budgeted, means less money in the hands of the consumers. Less money in the hands of the consumers means either increased credit card debt, or less purchasing. Less purchasing means less taxes being paid for goods purchased. Less taxes collected means less taxes going to the education programs in this state.

Less Money to the education programs means fewer resources to the classrooms. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Totally unrelated note – did you know that all those nifty, tax-free purchases made on line are supposed to be reported on your tax forms? That’s right, so you can pay the state sales tax when you file your state and federal taxes. It’s on the honor system. How does asking Amazon to collect the tax appeal to you now? You know, all those sales taxes that are supposed to benefit the state programs (like, say, education) that are not being collected because it would be too haaaaarrrrrdddd for the online retailers (who can store and lose your personal information so quickly and easily) to keep track of sales tax transactions for each state …

Totally unrelated note: the FAIRTax replaces the income tax, corporate tax, etc (penalties for working hard and doing well) with a consumption-based national sales tax, which means that you get all your income every payday and you only pay taxes on items that you buy – with a pre-set prebate for income up to the poverty level. Buying more/better/higher priced stuff means you pay more taxes (talk about making the rich pay their fair share!). Taxing consumption based purchases means that even those who have somehow evaded being tracked for their income, end up paying the tax. The plan is applied equally to all (please check out This Link for details) and needs to be passed sooner than later. Call your representatives and tell them to support H.R. 25, the FAIRTax initiative of 2017.

Fooled you. Those last two points are actually what are known as “solutions” for the current situation, where there is not enough revenue being generated or collected. Under the first step, getting on-line retailers to collect and pay taxes, the revenue stream will fill up again. The second step, taxing purchases instead of penalizing earnings, will get people interested in making money again – which leads to a more robust economy, which means that people will be making more income, which means that one of the parents can go back to being a house … spouse.

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Taxed Enough Already

September 29th, 2015 . by Cary

“Every Republican tax-reform plan should be rooted in this reality: If you are going to have federal spending that is 21 percent of GDP, then you can have a.) taxes that are 21 percent of GDP; b.) deficits. There is no c. If, on the other hand, you have a credible program for reducing spending to 17 or 18 percent of GDP, which is where taxes have been coming in, please do share it.” —National Review’s Kevin Williamson

I’ll go one step further – if your tax rate is 17 -18% of the GDP, it’s too high. You are strangling the flow of commerce and economics. If, however, a person could keep all that they earn, and only pay a consumption tax on durable goods, that would be the fairest way to collect taxes. If you don’t buy a lot of durable goods, you don’t pay a lot of taxes. If you buy a lot of durable goods, you pay more taxes. That would ensure everyone pays taxes, according to their income bracket, without a lot of complex forms and formulas, and very little need of an entire bureaucratic arm of the government to track, collect, and penalize.

There is actually a House resolution stuck in the House Committee on Ways and Means regarding this very idea, the FairTax Act of 2015. It was sponsored by Representative Rob Woodall, from Georgia. Why is stuck in committee? Because it calls for abolishing the IRS by 2019, and has a sunset clause that will cancel the FairTax if the 16th amendment is not repealed within seven years of H.R. 25 becoming law. It also only funds a very small portion of the government – as it should. A lot of the current activities of the government would, by necessity, need to be done away with. Naturally, because it strikes at so many sacred cows, the prostitutes – I mean, the Members of Congress most affect by this act are stalling it.

Calls to your representatives urging them to push for the passage of H.R. 25, the FairTax act of 2015, would be greatly helpful.

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Disappointed, But Optimistic

November 7th, 2012 . by Cary

Nothing is more depressing to a conservative, independent voter than to wake up and discover that Obama(THHO) is still pResident.

Yes, I am disappointed that the UNited States of Free Cheese has decided that Free Cheese (thank you, BZ) is more important than Free Enterprise. Free Cheese is more important than a Free Market. Free Cheese is the End All and Be All of being a citizen of these United States. And, sometimes, even the end all and be all of NOT being a citizen yet still enjoying the fruits of the labors of others in these United States.

Funny – Obama(THHO) supporters threatened to violently riot if their god did not win reelection. Notice how the opposition did not threaten to riot if Obama(THHO) DID win. Well, that might be a wasted observation, since most of the supporters of Obama(THHO) don’t seem to listen to anything not being said by Obama(THHO) hisownself. But it is an observation, nonetheless, of how the two sides comported themselves.

People will blame bad voting machines, bad counting, pictures in polling places of Obama(THHO), Obama(THHO) supporters wearing clearly political garb preventing those wearing Biblical garb from voting – the list will go on, but the bottom line is this country ALLOWED Obama(THHO) to win this election. This country does not care about the future, only about the RIGHT NOW – as long as the RIGHT NOW involves getting food stamps and other forms of assistance for free – well, free to the recipients – it’s costing actual taxpayers more and more of our takehome to support the free loaders.

I wonder what the tipping point will be? I wonder when the rest of us, those of us who are actually supporting the free loaders, get tired of having our hard earned money redistributed to the shiftless and lazy, and decide that we will either take our pay in cash or just quit working and join the unemployed and over-benefited of the United States of Free Cheese?

But I am optimistic – one day soon, the truly Free people of these United States will finally say “ENOUGH!” and the socialist and communist agendas of the Left will be put to rest.

Along with the left-leaning defeatist, elitist, lame-stream media.

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Monday Musings

June 1st, 2009 . by Cary

Seems to me that if a person is going to go to the trouble of calling a cab company, the least that person could do is be where they say they want to be picked up, when they say they want to be picked up…

Seems to me that if the company I lease a cab from was interested in making sure that people keep coming back to them to lease a cab, they would limit the number of cabs available for lease – that way, the dispatched calls would be waiting for the driver, not the driver waiting for a dispatched call…

Seems to me that if the state of Arizona was serious about using the speed cameras on the freeways to control the speeds, they would take pictures at one mile over the “limit” instead of advertising and giving everyone an eleven mile-an-hour “window” before taking pictures. If the perceived speed limit is 76 MPH instead of 65 MPH, just change the signs and be done with it…

Seems to me that if the current administration really wanted to close the credibility gap they would start with the release of the true birth certificate of the sitting “President.”

Seems to me that if certain industries had not allowed themselves to be cowed by the unions they wouldn’t be needing to file for bankruptcy. The government might even be able to ask for money from the companies, instead of giving them money to be pissed away…

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Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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