Please, Just Bear With Me
November 5th, 2011 . by CaryMy knee still hurts. Maybe I don’t heal as quick as I used to. This might take longer than I want it to.
Hypothetical(ish) question: You eat at a restaurant on a regular basis. You are friends with the owner. The owner is not in when you dine there one evening (let’s say, night before last) and three bites into your normal hamburger order, it becomes apparent to you that the cook did not make use of a hairnet. After discreetly removing evidence of said conclusion from your mouth, and discreetly handing it to the front person, and deciding that you weren’t all that hungry after all, you head home. Front person makes the call, informs owner of incident. You don’t raise a ruckus because he is, after all, a friend.
Do you A) stop patronizing the restaurant? B) still eat there, but ask who is cooking before placing your order?
Oh, and you know the owner is aware of the situation because he jokes about the fact that you ran into a “hairy situation.” Hypothetically. Ish.
Chat ya later…
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