The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Sadie and Cinnamon

March 21st, 2013 . by Cary

Today is a day that we have known to be coming for a long time, yet have dreaded the necessity of it ever since IT was decided.

Sadie is our (mommy’s, actually. she loves me too, but is devoted to her mommy) Dalmatian Pointer mix. Our Dalmointer, if you will. She came to us as a scrawny little girl, white with black spots, and a left eye that was clouded over and blind. Our wonderful vets at Acoma Animal Clinic got her on antibiotics and her eye cleared up. Sadie loved to cuddle with her Mommy, and even allowed her Mommy to carry her around even though she was much larger than would be comfortable. Her Mommy loved her, though, so Sadie got spoiled.

Sadie joined us in 2001, and we figured her birthday was going to be December 9, so we just celebrated her turning twelve. Over the years, Sadie turned out to be a loving and loyal companion. She took to her training very well and even though we walked her on a leash, she never really needed it. She would not leave Mommy’s side.

About four months ago it became apparent that something was wrong. Examination at Acoma would uncover a cancerous growth around her lower GI tract. It was constricting her bowel, and causing interference with her right rear leg. Surgery would have involved removing most of her sphincter muscle, causing more problems than it would have solved.

Cinnamon is our little brown dog we don’t know what she is. She looks to have a mix of retriever and cattle dog in her, and when our niece called from work saying she had found a “puppy” that needed to be rescued, Cinnamon was – well, the color of cinnamon. All over.

Not all brown anymore, is she? But, we were just going to “foster” her until we found her a good home. (we are still looking.) Cinnamon helped Sadie run the house. All other animals came after these two, and were loved and mothered by them.

Cinnamon developed a healthy nervousness of the Vet’s office after two trips to be sewn back up. Both trips were precipitated by Princess, who thought Cinnamon would be easy to dominate. (after the second time, Princess found a new home) Cinnamon was a real trooper, and her layers of protection, lovingly installed starting the first day we were looking for a home for her, kept her from being hurt too badly.

About a year ago, Cinnamon developed Cushing’s disease and diabetes. It was a tough call to find them, since they tend to mask one another’s symptoms. We decided to treat the diabetes. Cinnamon has been very patient and tolerant as we have learned to give a gentle and hopefully painless injection twice a day now.

As you can see in her picture, Cinnamon is ready to go home. She looks tired, she doesn’t have the energy to get up and move around with us anymore. It’ time.

You have both been very good girls. Please tell Sara and Logan hello when you get to the Rainbow Bridge.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Red Friday for Sadie

January 11th, 2013 . by Cary

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Are you wearing red today? Show your support of the troops!

Sadie, the Dalmointer of the group, has been diagnosed with cancer. She has had benign growths on her body (fatty deposits, basically) for a while now. This latest is tough. The cancer is around her colon, pressing on it in various angles. This makes it difficult for her to have a proper BM. We are administering stool softener and a laxative-like medicine, this is followed with Pepcid for the upset tummy that follows the laxative.

Surgery isn’t really an option – to remove the cancer a lot of the muscles around the colon and tail would be removed also. This would cause huge problems, like not being able to wag her tail. Or control her bowels.

We are told she has between three and six months without surgery; up to a year with it – but with a greatly reduced quality of life – and that is important. If she’s not comfortable, it isn’t worth trying to make her comfortable.

She will be missed. She will be going to join Sarah and Logan at the Rainbow Bridge, where they will be waiting for us.

Please keep her FurMom, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, in prayer. She is taking this really hard.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

First September Friday

September 2nd, 2011 . by Cary

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Got a busy day planned (as I write this the evening before, and plan to have it published at 0601 Friday morning) starting with Cinnamon going to the vet – one of the fosters (who are both leaving this weekend) bit her ear. Dang it. Poor Cinnamon – she was the one that got attacked by Princess, another foster, several years ago – and she is so gentle and loving that she doesn’t fight back.

This early morning appointment (0845) necessitates moving the chiropractor to a little later in the day – but not much later, because I have a dentist appointment (teeth cleaning time! with a full upper plate, it takes half the time of everyone else!) at 1130 followed by Cinnamon’s diabetes checkup visit at 1445. Due to the timing of her insulin shot, the visits can’t be combined. Because their was blood involved, it can’t wait much later in the day to be taken care of.

Whew! And I’m just getting warmed up!

Then I need to finalize the trimming of the doors and one shelf, along with finding a set of hinges for a corner cabinet, for the Scottsdale RR Club cabinets. I was going to end up skinning them with laminate, but I really don’t have the tools needed to skin existing cabinets. I can build laminate cabinets from the git go, but skinning them after they are hanging on the walls is another matter entirely, and one I do not wish to undertake this late in my wood career.

With the Toy Store Manager career coming right along, I think it’s time to hang up the wood tools. I’ll hang on to a few items that I need for work around the house, but things like the industrial strength/sized table saw is going to find a new home. If you are interested, please call BR-549.

New (and probably overdue) addition to the blog roll (I really should rename that “Daily” part …) – a12IggyMom needs your attention. She’s conservative, and kinda direct most of the time (snicker – duck). Give her a look see.

I sure hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day Weekend. Don’t get too rowdy, stay safe, stay sane. I’ll see about getting back in touch on Tuesday or thereabouts.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Saturday – Again.

August 27th, 2011 . by Cary

Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve just been – meh.

Politics has been worrying me, I’ve been watching the “best” and “brightest” tear this country apart bit by bit (over several administrations, not just the current one, although the current one seems to have made a mockery of the speed at which the previous ones were doing it) and I do have some friends in the path of the latest storm – again, though, with this handy-dandy crisis brewing – at the start of a weekend, yet! – what is the bummer in chief going to slip past the sleeping American public this time?

The brightest points of my life are my fellowship, my wife, and my daughter. While work is enjoyable, I would rather not have to, but while I am there I am making my best effort to keep up and learn. And learn. And learn. Boss lady sure knows a lot about retail, trying to keep up with her can be tricky sometimes.

Readers who are still following my sporadic postings may be aware that we had taken in a couple of dogs for a friend, just for a few weeks – about five months ago – and we’ve been trying to place them ever since. The buff colored cocker spaniel, Max, is headed for Kansas eventually – but the last word from there was that the ride fell through. I’m fixin’ to take a Saturday off and do a turn and burn over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday to take him there.

The other dog, a Chinese Shar-Pei mix, is fitting in with our dogs, but she still needs a home where she gets more attention. We have four to pay attention to; she comes up short most of the time. She is very sweet and loving, and if anyone lives along the Phoenix-Kansas (just north of Wichita) travel path, I would be willing to make the detour …

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Last July Red Friday

July 29th, 2011 . by Cary

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Well, I’ve got my red on – I’m actually going to enjoy doing NOTHING today (with the exception of taking Cinnamon to Acoma for her diabetes check-up) and nothing will stop me.

Yes, I realize I have many projects in a holding pattern, but right now, today, I am going to take the day and enjoy it with my daughter. We aren’t going to do anything we don’t have to. In fact, she’s still slepping and probably will be for another hour or so. She is still recovering from a summer cold and the results of a misdiagnosis involving ear drops that provided another clue in the list of allergens (sulfates – just like her mommy!) that she needs to avoid.

Sadie had a growth removed from her front right paw; she is recovering nicely.

Out of the corner of your eye, Samantha really looks a lot like Sara did.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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