The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Today’s Quotes 5/27/2022

May 27th, 2022 . by Cary

“In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.” —George Washington (1796)

“Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.” —John Adams (1808)

“If we move in mass, be it ever so circuitously, we shall attain our object; but if we break into squads, everyone pursuing the path he thinks most direct, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check.” —Thomas Jefferson (1811)

“War is not fair. The rules of war are to win.” —Fred Mayer

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” —John 15:12-14

“There is nothing so unruly, so insubordinate and disobedient, as a fallen human heart. It is deep, ethereal, and irrepressible; the subtle poison of sin has vitiated all its fountains, and many of the streams it has been sending forth since the Fall, have been deep and black as hell. Human power cannot touch it, law cannot reach it, force only increases its activity, and the grace of the gospel alone can subdue it to the sceptre of Christ. Warriors and kings may subjugate nations and empires, but the Lord alone can rule the heart.” —Irish minister William Graham (1810-1883)

“The main thing is to have a soul that loves the truth and harbours it where he finds it. And another thing: truth requires constant repetition, because error is being preached about us all the time, and not only by isolated individuals but by the masses. In the newspapers and encyclopedias, in schools and universities, everywhere error rides high and basks in the consciousness of having the majority on its side.” —German novelist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

“Every mass shooting in the United States must fit into one of two media boxes: gun control or white supremacy. If it does not fit into those boxes, it simply disappears from the national scene. This is not a recipe designed to promote actual solutions.” —Ben Shapiro

“Policies that enable & encourage people to abort or abandon their kids & their responsibilities are immoral and contribute greatly to the cultural rot that’s eating us from the inside. The government cannot raise your sons, but they can do a great deal that enables fathers to walk away. Stop foisting the hard work of raising young men on moms & grandmothers. Stop electing people who enable this deplorable behavior.” —Anna James Zeigler

“An adult man that wants to dress up like a female is a glaring symbol of mental disease. A society driven by cowardice prevents this topic from being discussed honestly and openly. ALL of our children are at risk [because] we refuse to acknowledge — and instead encourage — mental illness.” —Candace Owens

“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” —Albert Einstein

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Control For Thee, But Not For Me

February 25th, 2015 . by Cary

A question arises whether all the powers of government, legislative, executive, and judicial, shall be left in this body? I think a people cannot be long free, nor ever happy, whose government is in one assembly. –John Adams, Thoughts On Government, 1776

The pResident, Obama(THHO), has vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline, saying that this act of Congress “conflicts with established executive branch procedures”. I’m sorry, who was it that was trying to create law by executive order, regarding border issues? Who is conflicting with whose established branch procedures?

The Forefathers were pretty smart fellas, doncha think?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Yeah, We Know His Character

July 31st, 2013 . by Cary

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge; I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers.”

–John Adams, Dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

Founder’s Quote Daily

… and we have seen five years of his conduct. Are we done yet?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

How To Raise a Nation of Gimmees

July 24th, 2013 . by Cary

“It should be your care, therefore, and mine, to elevate the minds of our children and exalt their courage; to accelerate and animate their industry and activity; to excite in them an habitual contempt of meanness, abhorrence of injustice and inhumanity, and an ambition to excel in every capacity, faculty, and virtue. If we suffer their minds to grovel and creep in infancy, they will grovel all their lives.”

–John Adams, Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1756

Founder’s Quote Daily

Obama(THHO)phone much?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!