The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A View From Tuesday

September 30th, 2008 . by Cary

Before heading out this morning, I thought I would take a quick peek at the ol’ blogroll, and my first stop was over at BlackFive. Down the page a bit was a link to a NewYorkSlimes piece whining about the common sense that prevailed over the king’s ransom being handed out to failures. Story here.

This part of the story is what caught my eye, and is triggering a bit of a common sense rant:

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., appearing at the White House late Monday afternoon, warned that the failure of the rescue plan could dry up credit for businesses big and small, making them unable to make payrolls or buy inventory.

Maybe I’ve been going about this “business owner” thing all wrong – I thought you bought inventory and paid wages out of the money you made from the service and/or product you provided? You know, collect on the invoice, turn around and pay your employees, buy more inventory, pay the utilities, and the leftover goes in the owner’s pocket or, if he’s smart, into a CONTINGENCY FUND for when someone doesn’t pay the invoice right away…

Obviously, I need to rethink my business model. I need to start “leveraging” my “receivables” and “monetizing” my “books” so I, too, can show false profits and qualify for a government handout.

It is obvious that I am involved in the wrong end of the business world. I need to get into the money supplying end of it, instead of the money using end of it.

Then again, what do I know? I’m just a red necked, bog dwelling hick with no formal ed-uh-muh-cay-shun. The fact that my business runs without a debt probably disqualifies me from belonging to the great herd at the public trough, anyway.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


Thursday Round Up

September 25th, 2008 . by Cary

I slept through the alrm that would have allowed me to get up and go to the autoparts store to get the last few items needed for the radiatorectomy that is needed on the QX4. I didn’t really feel like rolling around under the SUV to begin with…

Let’s start off this bailout Thursday Round Up with a very astute and, it would seem, right on the mark observation of the origin of this issue on Bloviating Zeppelin. That’s right, folks – political correctness run amuk. Again.

GuyK over at Charming, Just Charming knows the politicians are worth every penny paid for them, and decides to go with humor to keep from getting too mad.

Take a break and enjoy the view of the flycatchers and other fauna around Richard’s place, At The Water.

Near picture of a Reaper on BlackFive.

Pastor Ed Boston got some good news about “Drill Here, Drill Now” and would like to share it with you on Do The Right Thing.

Chief Roland has a cool picture of a Marine exiting a CH-53 on The Roland Blog.

An ode to the Superfortress from the Loon on One Loon’s Tales.

Oh, to be in Alaska, and sharing the views and natural abundance. Next best thing? Read about Alaska Steve enjoying his view, and not having to share the natural abundance on A Sense Of Place. (Hey, Steve, work on being able to share the berries over the ‘net, ‘kay?)

Inspiring, as usual. Andrew Tallman.

Improv Everywhere has details up for The Great MP3 Experiment 2008 – check for details in your area.

Akinoluna has an insight about the “foreign experience” brouhaha surrounding a certain candidate. And by the way, Akinoluna – thank you for your continued service. I really do appreciate that you are carrying on a long-standing tradition of selfless sacrifice for your country.

Samantha has a word or two about “research” and “study groups” on Samantha Speaks.

Jenn, of Jungle fame, has posted about Senators doing the job they were elected to do. As usual, the Lefty Contingent sees it as an entirely different matter.

Fred has a really neat idea for an economic recovery plan. See the details on Texas Fred’s.

Old Soldier made it through Ike – go check out the pics of the storm damage…

Kathi has the Wednesday Hero up on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops.

Still have questions about the banking issues here in the US? Head over to Dumb Looks Still Free and let AJacksonian school you a little bit.

Third Wave Dave is taking a much-deserved break. He has left a number to call to voice your concern about the latest bail out…

Cube outdoes herself today, and within a few entries manages to hit on Nature, Foreign Leaders, Lack of History, and Mathematics. Go, see the artistry at the BLOG.

The list of Things That Offend muslims continues to grow on Amboy Times. May it always be so. Pretty soon, maybe they will be offended out of existence. Just sayin’…

You will find a background testimony about Johnny Helms over at Amazed In His Presence.

Greybeard registers displeasure at a lame attempt at “comedy” on Pitchpull.

mdconservative® has a word about Euroweenie Missles on his Conservative Intelligence Report.

Bushwack wants you to support your local PD. Find out why at American And Proud Of It.

RegularRon thinks that if we are going to be forced to accept public bails of private companies, then the example in India should be followed… on The Old Right Daily.

Mary discusses The Shack and reminds me to get off my butt and finish it.

cookiecrumbexpress has a quick rundown of the forces that support the Obamanation.

Last, but certainly not least, RattlerGator takes a break from his insightful political analysis and turns his eye towards a travesty of justice in the Football Hall of Fame.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

It Sure Is Quiet In Here

September 4th, 2008 . by Cary

Yes, very quiet indeed.

With Logan’s passing, even the house seems to be depressed. We are all working through the grief at our own pace, and we would like to thank everyone who has taken the time, either here or in e-mail, or by calling, to offer condolences and support.

I normally run a round-up on Thursdays, I don’t have the desire today. Well, that’s not quite accurate. I want to run the round-up, because my regular reads are so darned impressive with their entries, but just making this entry is kind of anti-climatic, in a weird sort of way.

SO – I will still be doing the show, but I may not be blogging as much in the near future. Of course, having said that, I will be inspired to write thirty five entries over the next three days, and overwhelm you all with the all-or-nothingness of my posting.

To those of you with whom I share editorial responsibilities, my normal output of outside articles (which, so far, has been zero) may be further reduced. That means you may all owe me an entry or two before this is all over.

I am, actually, deeply examining my blogging habits. Right now I am leaning toward allowing this to go full circle and go back to being a blog about the Cartter family, and relegating The O Word to page status. Prayers, good thoughts, whatever, would be appreciated.

I really do appreciate you all. Thank you for stopping by.

MSM and Falling Stocks

August 12th, 2008 . by Cary

As my more surroundings-aware readers may remember, my wife (TMBWitW) works for a newspaper here in the Valley of the Sun. She is not responsible for any of the content, but she is responsible for telling the corporate leadership about the numbers generated by the newspaper – she is, after all, an accountant. She also doesn’t share information with me, so don’t go asking about numbers, because I simply do not know.

Those same readers who remembered the first part might also remember this: at one point in time, I was delivering the paper, in bundles, to businesses who would then re-sell the papers. You know, like convenience stores, supermarkets, and even paper machines (which, to tell the truth, pay the best, but you run the greater risk of having some psycho follow you from machine to machine and break into it, stealing either the papers, or the coin, or both. either way, it’s broken and you have to get a replacement machine.).

At one point during my time delivering the papers, there was a meeting (a lunch meeting) for the contractors (who all worked between midnight and 0700) in order to have a question and answer session. Of course, the first question some smart aleck asked was why they would schedule a lunch meeting for a bunch of people who were essentially vampires. That question was ignored, and the ignoring of the question pretty much answered what would have been my follow-up question of “Why don’t you listen to what is being said, instead of just giving the company line for anything?”

I digress.

The people putting on the lunch meeting, after getting over the disappointment of only having nine people show up from a group of over sixty (see “vampire”), welcomed us all and asked a question of their own, in order to get input.

The question was “How do you think we can increase sales?” and the answers were many and varied. Tossing aside the use of naked models to have strategically placed section of the paper covering them, (no imagination in these sales types. marketing would have gone for it in a flash. so to speak.) they instead focused on the answers we gave them with some serious thought. For example, it was pointed out that constantly telling people they can get more information on the paper’s (free) website would tend to drive people toward the web and away from the paper.

After looking at it from a distance now, I think the answer is more subtle. You see, the print media is leaning more and more to the left. More often than not, the current crop of journalists and editors are coming from the bastions of liberal learning, and starting to have a profound effect on the content of the nation’s media outlets. This is very evident in the larger broadcast media outlets, but let’s concentrate on print media for a moment.

Think back to what Air America tried to do. Seeing the success of conservative talk radio (filled with ‘proud to be an American’ thoughts words and deeds) Air America wanted to copy the business plan and create a liberal talk radio offering that could be syndicated and shared everywhere, uniting the left-thinking in the same way the right-thinking were uniting. The problem is that the liberal talk radio filled up with what the liberal think about – how terrible the United States is, how awful that we are so successful while other countries are stuck in their Third World status, and criticizing the country with all it’s failings. Let’s face it, people don’t want to hear doom and gloom all day, even if they are liberals. The conservative talk radio was supporting the country, giving constructive advice and lifting one another in praising the good things that the country is doing. In the end, Air America failed because it couldn’t keep it’s listener base (along with the money that listener base uses for purchasing and advertising) from being scared off by it’s attacks on the very country that allowed it to exist.

Translate that to the print media. With the liberals writing, editing, and publishing America-bashing articles (even subtly), people don’t want to hear it. Or, in this case, read it. With papers urging their readers to get more information on the web, their readers actually had the audacity to go out and get independent confirmation of the information presented – but not from the paper’s website. They went straight to the sources, and read the straight facts before the facts went through the prism that is present in every newsroom today. Sales start to slide, and then to fall. The paper starts wondering what went wrong, all the time struggling to stay afloat. Reorganizations are tried, services are centralized, and all the while those pesky customers keep taking the paper’s advice of finding more information on the web and, as a result, stop paying for slanted stories.

The papers, meanwhile, are confounded by the fact that they are still telling themselves they are fair and balanced. Refusing to admit you have a problem will prevent you from ever solving that problem. The editorial boards are slowly being taken over by journalists who have slowly advanced to their new positions after graduating from a college system that thinks Noam Chomsky is a patriotic centrist. The new editors are products of a school system that has eliminated as “biased” anything that smacks of conservative or patriotic values – prayer in school, the Pledge of Allegiance, respect for elders – and replaced them with more “inclusive” values – allowance for any religion but Christianity, the display of any flag not associated with the dominionistic policy of the United States, everyone is equal and worth the same – and their world view reflects it. But, the paper is still “fair and balanced” in it’s coverage.

Until the Mainstream Media wakes up to the fact that their business model of reporting with such a slant is what is killing them so softly and quietly, the values of the media outlets will continue to fall. It may take the complete and utter failure of a media giant like Gannett to wake the rest of the industry to facts.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Let’s hope that they have finally quit hitting the snooze button and are in the process of waking up to reality.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

StartLogic Sucks

July 10th, 2008 . by Cary

TexasFred has a great post up regarding the level of suckage at StartLogic. It would be really, really amusing, if I hadn’t just paid for two years of hosting there – not just for this blog, but also for the model railroad’s site.

StartLogic is based here in Phoenix. Their help desk is located in BFE, India. Not real helpful, and I must say that had I known that prior to signing up with them I would not have signed up with them.

I have said all that to say this: DO NOT SIGN ON WITH STARTLOGIC.

This has been a public service announcement.

Any one have suggestions for hosting, in about eighteen months?

I’ll be doing daily backups of both sites, now. Thanks, StartLogic, I needed one more thing on my plate.

By the way, I won’t be running down the blogroll today. Please click on the tab labeled “All Blogrolls Here” and find some mighty good reading anywhere you land.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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